Pregnant women who participated in medical research in the Netherlands used anti-impotence tablets to improve the growth of their unborn baby whose signs were underdeveloped.
It seems that the liver that slams the bloodstream has caused fatal damage to the baby's lungs. Experts said that a thorough investigation is needed to understand what exactly happened. For the moment, there is no indication of the criminal offense.
Previous Tests The Viagre pregnancy tests conducted in the United Kingdom, Australia and New Zealand showed no adverse effects on the baby, but they also showed no benefit to them. leks. In 2010, scientists said that the use of drugs should only be used in experiments.
The limits on fruit growth caused by underdevelopment of the crop are a serious problem for which there is currently no difficulty. Because of this condition, babies can be premature births, with very small pains and low chances of survival.
Dutch research that was to last until 2020 was conducted in 11 hospitals across the country. A total of 93 pregnancies were sildenafil (Viagra) and 90 received placebo. Twenty neonates had pulmonary problems, three in the placebo group and the rest in the group that used Viagra.
Eleven newborns whose mothers took Viagra died.
Photo: Shutterstock

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