BalkanMagazin :: Ugljanin calls Pacolli


The Serbian authorities reacted strongly to the invitation of Sulejman Ugljanin to Bežet Pacolli to visit the "Sandžak municipalities" in the exercise of his functions as Minister of Foreign Affairs of the "Republic of Kosovo ". Serbian Foreign Minister Ivica Dacic said Sulejman Ugljanin may invite guests to private tours, but not the ministers of a non-existent state. "I am the head of diplomacy Ugljanin and Pacolli," said Dacic. Pristina introduced tariffs on seasonal fruits, vegetables and corn. Due to the vancorous barriers, the Ministers of Serbia, Macedonia and BiH will seek an urgent session of the CEFTA Committee. 19659002] Hawaii volcano "width =" 600 "height =" 450 "/>

Pahoa, July 19, 2018 – Eruption of Kilauea volcano in Hawaii

Called by Pacolio Ugljanin out of legal framework

Call of Sulejman Ugljanin to Bedzeta Pacolli as Minister of Foreign Affairs The "Republic of Kosovo" visited Novi Pazar and the "other municipalities of Sandzak" on 21 and 22 July, which were severely criticized by the Serbian authorities The President of the Bosnian National Council (BNV) said of Bujanovac that he had called Pacolli – that he would hear the public what he said "from the other side", reports Politika.

This behavior of the President of one of the 22 National Councils of National Minorities in Serbia, Branko Ružić, Minister of State Administration and Local Self-Government, highlights the legal framework of the councils' competences

Ugljanin and BNV call Pacolli as a ue "Minister of Foreign Affairs". The appeal to Pacolli was addressed to the "Republic of Kosovo" and the "Government of the Republic of Kosovo". The President of the Bosnian National Council of Bujanovac has repeatedly confirmed that he recognizes Kosovo as an independent state and that the BNV fully supports the declaration of the Presevo Valley. 19659004] Dacic: I am the head of diplomacy and Ugljanin and Pacolli

On the occasion of the announcement that Pacoli, as Minister of Foreign Affairs of Kosovo, will be in Sandzak, the Minister of Foreign Affairs. Foreign Affairs of Serbia, Ivica Dacic He said that Sulejman Ugljanin can invite guests to private tours, but not ministers of a non-existent state.

If there are political talks, they will be held in Brussels, but they will not be held in Novi Pazar, Dacic told reporters.

I would be naughty if I said that Pacoli would be promoted to the head of the Kosmet Marko Djuric government office in Pristina. This will certainly not be the case, because Serbia is a civilized society, said Dacic. He felt that the appeal of Ugljanin to Pacolia was "a provocation, with the desire that Serbia react sharply."

"Calling Pacolli to a ceremony in Novi Pazar, in which Pacolli's address to the head of diplomacy, Dacic pointed out for moments fighting for the preservation of his territory for News.

" And let the competent authorities investigate whether there is a basis for certain proceedings. As far as I am concerned, Ugljanin and Pacoli are citizens of the state of which I am the head. And all that we are doing in recent times to recognize Kosovo gives us the right to conclude that Pacoli will soon be Ugljan's minister, "said Dacic


Belgrade, 19.07.2018 – First Vice-President The Serbian Government and Foreign Minister Ivica Dacic met today with UN Under-Secretary-General for Political Affairs Miroslav Jenč

Pristina introduced tariffs on fruits, vegetables, corn …

The Ministry of Trade and Industry of Provisional Institutions of Pristina began On July 18, it applies a right of protection of 30% on imports of certain types This decision, as alleged, is valid for all "trading partners", reports Politika

. Due to this move from Pristina, to virtually block shipments s of agricultural products, dust has increased in the region. Trade Minister Rasim Ljajic said he would request an urgent meeting with ministers from Bosnia and Herzegovina and Macedonia. He told the agency that, in addition to a meeting with colleagues from these countries, who will take a stand together and propose concrete measures, he will also request an urgent session of the Central Trade Agreement Committee. 39; CEFTA because this agreement was directly violated.

Putin alleviates attitude towards Kosovo and Montenegro

Putin alleviates attitude towards Kosovo and Montenegro. In support of the change, testifies that Dmitry Rogozin is no longer in government. Moscow does not want to "create" a new Tito de Vucic, a meeting with representatives of Albanians is likely soon, says the diplomatic sources of the Danes.

It is possible that Russian President Vladimir Putin, known for his pragmatism, will soon meet Albanian or Kosovo Albanian political representatives, these anonymous sources claim. In their own words, both Albanians and Russians are eager to improve their mutual relations

. These anonymous sources claim that Putin is trying to improve relations with Montenegro, which recently became a member of NATO.


Belgrade, 19/07/2018 – Completion of the shooting of the RTS series "National Theater in 10 Positions"

The Government of Serbia has appointed one of the important functions in the process of accession to the EU, Aleksandar Bogićević, Danas announces under the title: "The water meter reader the new assistant minister."

Bogićević, according to the newspaper, worked at JKP Obrenovac as a guide, then a cashier, a cashier and a parking organizer

Slow insignia in the hands of the offender

Increased control of safe individuals, carried out Monday night, pushed the abuse of police badges in the foreground. Namely, members of the Intervention Unit searched the highway Sid-Beograd in which was Hadzije Zoran Jovanovic Tebra (57 years old), recognized drug trafficker and member of the motorcycle " Angels of Hell ".

Hadži Zoran Jovanović was sentenced in Belgium to five years in prison for attempting to smuggle 203 kilograms of cocaine, worth 10 million euros, in the case of the Serbian Trade Union Party (SSP). ), similar to the official legitimacy of the MUP. He is currently on trial in Serbia for organizing an international criminal group that smuggled cocaine from South America into Western Europe. The driver whose name is the badge is Miloš Lukic (34), who has been arrested in the past for violent behavior and threatening traffic.

Serbia in the Balkans and Egypt in the Middle East and the African continent share responsibility for the stability of these regions, said Aleksandar Vucic during a meeting with the Speaker of the Egyptian Parliament, Ali Abdel Ahmed. Vucic asked Abdel Fatah al-Sisi to visit our country, reports Politika

Vucic expressed the hope that Egypt will continue to respect the interests of Serbia in international organizations, announced the presidency of Serbia

. Serbia is again ready to ask whether Cairo will withdraw the recognition of Kosovo's self-proclaimed Kosovo. Serbian Foreign Minister Ivica Dacic says that this question is not very clear on this issue because there is no written track.

"There were no written decisions." Pristina Egypt counts in those 116 countries that have recognized Kosovo, but Egypt has not established diplomatic relations with Kosovo and has not vote for them in international institutions, "said Dacic. He added that there was no information on the recognition of Kosovo on the website of the Egyptian Ministry of Foreign Affairs.


Belgrade, 19 July 2018 – special session of the Assembly of Serbia in which the deputies addressed the Egyptian deputies But Abdel Al Ahmed

Easier with small debts

News praises how, after writing this sheet, "There is no more blockade because of the small debt". The new reports that "the order of the governor has been issued to solve the problems of citizens with credit bureaus.A loan of a dinar lasts three years and all loan permits are hidden." [19659003] 11 Belgraders spent a night in dogs

A total of 1557 dog attacks were reported at the beginning of the year

they were abnormally nervous, and even 11 Belgraders turned to the dogs. Military Academy of Medicine to help the dogs.Luckily, they went without serious injuries, writes Politika.

"This happens once in a hundred years. Since the beginning of the year, 1,557 dog bites have been recorded in the capital, "says Budimir Grubic, director of Veterina Belgrade, and points out that in recent years this balance has been reduced because large number of dogs have been sterilized.

If there is a will, Serbia will solve the problem of plagiarism

"If the will exists, Serbia will solve the problem of plagiarism," says Professor Jerg Hacker, president of the United States. National Academy of Sciences of Germany "Leopoldine". "A video of the factory has disappeared", reported a Serbian telegraph under the title "Stolen Tape, testimony of Mladic for Srebrenica". Tabloid states that "at the time of the events in Potocari, the Serbian general had been happy in Belgrade, which means that he could not give orders to the army". The newspaper says that "the burglars entered the youth home and stole only the VHS video."

The application for parole of Marko Milicev

The application for parole filed by Marko Milicev, the case manager "cantrimen" on April 23 "lost" on the road between the prison and the court. Although written and sent in accordance with all legal regulations, as Politika notes, Zarevac Zabela's application, where Milić is serving a sentence, did not reach the third basic court (the judgment of the Third Basic Court was been sentenced to four and a half years of imprisonment). should decide to release Milic after two-thirds of his sentence.

Milicevic and his defense lawyers filed a new application on June 12 with the same content as the previous one.

How to listen to Tompson? publishes, as "exclusive", "the first interview of the Croatian Serbian media coach" under the title "Dalić: I do not divide people about Serbs and Croats". The newspaper also quotes: "I am not interested in politics, we should look at the kind of person who is."

In addition, Blic also brings other excerpts from the interview "I had the habit of winning Serbia-Croatia." Tompson's song "Are You Beautiful …" is not negative and has no political connotations.Honor to Novak Djokovic. "

Kolinda's brothers

" Thompson is a baby for her "published by the tabloid Alo with photo of Croatian President Kolinda Grabar I under the title "Kolinda: Albanians are our brothers in arms."

Croatian President Kolinda Grabar Kitarović, speaking in parliament, said that apart from the curative support given to the EU, Croats and Albanians were "literally brothers in arms" and that the Albanians had sacrificed their lives for Croatia, transfers 19659006]  vaterp-srb- rusi-

Barcelona, ​​19/07/2018 – Serbia-Russia match in the second round of the group stage at the Wate European Championship r-polo, 11: 9

Uncle Lukin

"The toughest secret in Croatia" informs an informant under the title "Uncle Lukin testified against Gotovina". The tabloid claims that "Jovu Dopuzja of Krushevo, a major of the Serbian Krajina Army and a cousin Luke Modric on his mother's side, accused the Croats of war crimes." This Serb witnessed in The Hague at the trial of Ustachi Ante Gotovina and accused him of killing Serbs. "

" Informing adds that "the Croatian media have covered the whole case for not discovering the & achi Got Got Got Got pour pour pour pour pour pour pour pour pour pour pour pour pour. Serbian origin of Modric. "

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