High humidity, high temperature and variable weather are characteristic this year. For some people, this is a pleasant situation and special attention should be given to all those with the least heart problems. Dr. Goran Davidovic, a professor at the Faculty of Medicine in Kragujevac, advises us on how to save and not endanger your health during this "shy-mysterious" flight.
Source: Mariota Vlaisavljević
Photo: Thinkstockphotos
Weather conditions have a major impact on health and nearly 50% of the world's population suffers from weather-related disruptions. Problems that occur due to changes in temperature, humidity, and ionization are reduced as soon as the weather is stabilized. The age limit has changed, and in addition to elderly and chronic patients, young people are complaining more and more of the problems caused by temporal oscillations.
"We all know the state of drowsiness, fatigue and loss of energy, when the rain falls and the humidity increases, the year is no longer as the year, and the seasons are shifted without intermittency, thus changing the weather conditions In case of strong thermal oscillations on television and radio, it is disadvised to heart and chronic patients to go out and stay at the school. The high heat and the stay in insufficiently ventilated rooms can contribute to the appearance of symptoms of angina pectoris, of variations of the blood pressure, of fatigue and fatigue, accelerated cardiac work, dizziness, omaglias and islet legs, some patients, "early in the conversation for portal B92 Goran Davidović, cardiologist and professor at the Faculty of Medicine in Kragujevac. es weather conditions that have the most impact on the worsening of the disease, there is great heat, especially if it occurs suddenly and at an unusual time of year, a great coldness, a sudden change in atmospheric pressure.
These weather conditions cause narrowing of coronary blood vessels, which is particularly bad in patients with atherosclerotic heart disease. In summer, infarction is most common in unstable times, especially when accompanied by cold currents with thunder and thunder.
Acute patients respond mainly to very humid weather conditions and prolonged periods of warming in the cooler and cooler regions of the year in a hot part of the year