BECOME AN BUSINESS DAY Here's why Oliver Dragojević NOTHING to go to Germany



For exactly one year, Oliver Dragojević, who lost his battle with the disease yesterday, was diagnosed with lung cancer. Although the disease has grown, Oliver has not yielded.

Photo: Željka Dimić / Promo

He did not want to tire these last moments, so he encouraged

– OK, I can say no I have the impression to be sick. If I do not have to go to chemotherapy, I think I have no problem. Of course, I drink, and all that is prescribed me. When I do not go to chemotherapy, I like to go to the cottage in Vela Luka, where I like to play and drink. It only fills me these days. It's a terrible thing when the disease attacks a man, but if you fight, you get the battle. I believe I will have it. They say the music is EVERYTHING, so I play it all the time and so, maybe strangely, I'm getting better, "Oliver says to" Blic. "