"BES EXECUTIVES" Kim Džong A "naribao" builders


<img src = "https://ocdn.eu/pulscms-transforms/1/81bk9lMaHR0cDovL29jZG4uZXUvaW1hZ2VzL3B1bHNjbXMvT0RJN01EQV8vNGY2NjM3ZDQ5MzZmNDA1NjU1ZWE4ZTA2YTE5ZWU2NTIuanBlZ5GTAs0C5ACBoTAB" alt = "The media d & # 39; North Korean government reported that the country's leader, Kim Dzong A has strongly criticized the authorities for their inability to build a hydroelectric power plant in the north of the country Kim said that during the visit, the builder was "extremely uninhibited" and criticized the authorities for failing to report them in writing.

This shows that Kim is tormenting to improve the country's economic situation by negotiating with the US Earlier this month, he visited two factories and criticized him for the poor maintenance of the building, the Insufficient expertise and other problems.

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