Better than sports drinks: chocolate milk is great for recovery after exercise! | Beautiful and healthy


Drinks and Food that people enter during and after intense exercise may affect the speed and proper recovery of their muscles and how fast the body will replace fluid and electrolytes lost during exercise, found previous research.

Most of the studies on whether carbohydrates and electrolytes or protein supplements would aid recovery were too few to draw definitive conclusions about which drinks are the best options, are the authors of a new study published in the journal "European Journal of Clinical Nutrition".

For research purposes data from 12 small studies were compared to compare how chocolate milk affects several recovery indicators with respect to energy drinks or .

Athletes participated in activities like running or cycling and then scientists studied the behavior of the so-called. recovery indicators such as the time required until complete exhaustion of exercise heart rate, lactic acid levels and creatinine kinase enzymes which develop with intense activity . ]

The study found that chocolate milk prolonged exhaustion and improved endurance heart rate and blood liver rate at least as much as the others sports drinks taken by athletes for recovery.

– Chocolate milk contains carbohydrates, proteins, fats, flavonoids, electrolytes and certain vitamins that make this drink beneficial for the recovery of athletes – says Amin Salehi-Abargouei, PhD Dr. Shahid, Faculty of Medicine Sadoughi "in Jazda.

In some cases, chocolate milk turned out to be better the scientist notes.

– The message is that chocolate milk is a cheap and tasty recovery solution and gives similar results or better than commercial beverages – says Salehi-Abargouei.

Sports drinks traditionally contain carbohydrates and electrolytes, but usually not proteins, experts say.

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