BIRTH IN SYRIA IS CLOSED: Another force dominates RUSSIA (VIDEO) | Planet



Photo: EPA / Youssef Badawi

Just two weeks after the start of the military operation, jihadists and militants in most rural areas of Dara the south of Syria has surrendered or been overthrown, and more than 70 villages that they have occupied have released the Syrian army.

Meanwhile, Israel has reduced its demands or conditions imposed over the last two weeks: Throwing threats against the approach of the Syrian army to the south, threatening the Damascus forces of the line of 1974 demarcation and disagreement agreement Syria and Israel, reports Eimagnier.

This clearly means that all players (the United States, Israel, Jordan, Saudi Arabia) have fired jihadists and activists who have trained them and turned their backs on them: they are now alone .

For more than seven years, Israel has invested in intelligence, finance, military and medical supplies for these jihadists and their allies. On several occasions, Israel has stated that it prefers the Islamic State rather than the Iranian forces at its borders.

Izrell often showed images of jihadists – including those who fought under the flag of al-Qaeda – in Israeli hospitals, recovering from wounds inflicted during the conflict with the forces of Damascus.

Today, it is clear that Israel's intentions are defeated when it can be announced that the passage from the 1974 dislocation line to the Syrian army meant redrawing the red line. Israel is now angry because the Syrian army has the intention and the resources to defeat all jihadists and militants who have received shares from foreign countries. Syria never thought of launching a new war with Israel until the Syrian territory (north) was liberated.

Syrian allies participate in the battle in southern Syria as advisers and reserve units to fill gaps only if the battle becomes critical on one or other front. Until now, jihadists and militants have been easily defeated and have shown little resistance.

There is no doubt that the Islamic State will be deployed on the line of dislocation from 1974, to react because neither the Syrian Army nor Russia offer transfer to a group terrorist.

Thus, the only choice that the identity card has in the south of Syria is a fight, surrender or permission to move to Israel, because the Israeli army has been working with ID for years. The number of terrorists is estimated at between 1,500 and 2,000, a relatively low figure if we consider that the Syrian army has confronted tens of thousands of people in Al-Jarmok, Homs, Al-Badhi, Deir -Ezzoru and Albukamal in the north and north-east. completely erased them.

Syrian President Bashar al-Assad ignored any Israeli threat related to the participation of Hezbollah's Iranian special forces and special forces in southern Syria. In fact, Russia understands the need for the presence of Damascus on the ground, so the operation is fully supported and success is guaranteed. In addition, Moscow allows Hezbollah and Iranian advisers to withdraw from all battles when the Syrian army prevails and when Damascus considers the region as safe enough to take it fully.

As a result, President Putin can guarantee to his US counterpart Donald Trump (and he has already guaranteed to his Israeli visitors last month in Moscow) that no Iranian or Hezbollah adviser will remain in power. Israeli borders (the desire of the Syrian central government). That was enough for Tramp to inform Israel that the United States had no reason to believe that he was facing a danger from the Syrian army at its borders.

For almost 45 years, Damascus has not committed any serious attack on Israel, starting with the 1974 line of demarcation on the border with the occupied Golan Heights. There can be no comparison between the presence of Syrian regular forces and the presence of the ISIS terrorist group in the occupied Golan Heights.

In fact, it will be impossible for President Trump to defend the Israeli case to protect the identity card – although this terrorist group and Israel have been "good neighbors" for years – and have attacked the Syrian army to regain their territory and completely eliminate the identity card. in southern Syria.

What remains in southern Syria is only a tactical struggle. It will intensify on one front, and on the other, it will run smoothly. The battle has achieved its primary goal of purifying East Dar in the coming days and securing the Naseb border crossing between Jordan and Syria, helping the two countries repay hundreds of millions of dollars a year in trade and trade.

In the second phase, to the west of Dara and Kunayitra, the Syrian army will push its forces southwest of Dara to clean up the jihadists who are on the road between l '. Syrian army and identity card.

There is no time to end the battle. The outcome of the battle is easy to predict: the Syrian army will regain control of Syrian territory, including the city of Dara, where all countries are engaged in a "regime change" (Saudi Arabia, Jordan, United States, Great Britain, Qatar). Finance for the South.

They managed to realize only the destruction of the Levant (300 billion dollars needed for the reconstruction of Syria), the death of about 400,000 people and more than one million displaced people and of refugees.

Photo: APE


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