Brett Kavanaugh nominated for the Supreme Court of the United States – the Council


US President Donald Tramp on Monday presented Brett Kavanaugh with his appointment to the United States Supreme Court, thereby consolidating the conservative credibility of this institution


Tramp is in the selection of 53-year-old Kavanaugh, who in the 1990s helped to investigate former President Bill Clinton and then worked for George W. Bush a conservative majority in the Supreme Court, by his second appointment to the highest judicial instance in the United States in 18 months, in the office of the president.

Kavanaugh is now waiting for a fierce battle over Senate confirmation, in which Tramp Republicans hold a slim majority

Devoted to Family and Catholicism

If accepted, Kavanaugh will replace the judge 81-year-old Conservative Anthony Kennedy, who announced his retirement on June 27.

Tramp, who named Neil Gorsucha in court Kavanaugh on Monday emphasized that he was a favorite among his colleagues, which he believes the opinion.

"He is brilliant Aman, with a clear and effective writing style, is universally regarded as one of the best and most frugal legal minds of our time," added Mr. Tramp, pointing out that his appointment deserves "quick confirmation and great bilateral support."

the judge must be independent and must interpret the law, not to bring it. He must interpret it as written. And the judge must interpret the Constitution as written, directed to history, tradition and predecessors, "Kavanaugh said at a ceremony highlighting family involvement and Catholicism.

His appointment would not change the ideological orientation of the Supreme Court. The Conservatives already have more than four Liberal judges, but they could move this institution further to the right.

A slim majority of Senate Republicans

Anthony Kennedy, while a conservative, cast aside liberal judges on the issue of abortion and gay rights. The new judge will decide on key issues of national importance, such as the right to own arms, the death penalty and the right to vote in elections.

The Court could decide matters of personal importance to Tramp and his government, including those on the connection with Russia.

Republicans in the Senate hold a slim majority of 51 seats traitors are 49, but I can not count on Senator John McCain, who fights cancer.

Text taken from the site of Al Jazeera

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