Britain breaks ties with Dodik? | Republika Srpska



July 5, 2018 11:15 |

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The conflict between the President of Republika Srpska and the United Kingdom Embassy in BiH is open. The conflict between the President of Republika Srpska, Milorad Dodik, and the British Embassy in Bosnia and Herzegovina has resulted in an open war, and the consequences could be a worsening of Banja Luka's relationship with the official. . London At least, they say that the first man in Serbia "spreads unfounded allegations and false allegations."

The reason for the latest spill is the arrival of 40 British soldiers in Bosnia and Herzegovina, as well as doubts of Dodik on their commitment. The President of Srpska said that the British, who arrived in Bosnia and Herzegovina, were destabilization specialists, to emphasize their status as soldiers, and that their purpose was to change the structure or reduce the influence of the RS. According to him, the indirect target is Serbia

British Embassy: Dodik threatens relations with London ]

It is very disappointing that Dodik decided to present the UK as a threat to the RS . The invocation of false threats may be a good way to collect electoral points, but it risks jeopardizing long-term relations with the United Kingdom – the British Embassy in BiH announced

that President Dodik, in response to the announcement of the embassy Britain sends troops to monitor the electoral process in Bosnia and Herzegovina and prevent Russian influence, but these are the words of the British Defense Minister Gavin Williamson, transmitted by world and national media

. I suggest that we first discuss with a member of his government, Williamson, who said that they had the intention of actively participating in the electoral process, "said Dodik. [/ Url] of Britain should not hold a letter on freedom of expression, nor on any internal political issue:

– British Ambassador Edward Fergus His son was recently criticized on the editorial policy of the RTRS, for which he would have been brutally purged from any sovereign country.

DESIRE TO AFFECT THE IMPACT RUSA: British Dodik Castle [19659006]


A year ago, the British government approved nine million pounds for programs to help prevent the Russian influence in s the Balkans, with the RS and Serbia, said Dodik. – This people must be aware that the benevolence of the British can not be taken into account and that they are here in the function of creating a unitary and centralized BiH.

He urged people not to fall into the "British dirt" and it is more than clear their purpose is that they can not change the structure of the authorities in Srpska, at least to reduce its power .

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