Camping Night Wolves in Slovakia, director suspended


In the Ministry, the equipment lease was signed without the knowledge of the Ministry, according to the Slovak portal

"It is clear that Miloslav Čaplovič did not examine in detail the antecedents of this civic association and therefore exceeded his powers". and added that it was suspended until all circumstances were determined.

Gajdos ordered the review of contracts and the return of leased equipment, although it is said, "museum specimens, it is an incorrect and degraded technology that can no longer be »

The Slovak section of the Night Wolves opened a camp at an abandoned farm facility in Dolno Krupa on 23 June and was opened by a representative of the Russian Embassy in Bratislava [19659002] said that the group plans to build a camp in the camp a small outdoor military museum, for which they received a military technique from the Ministry of Defense that they plan to use in the activities of the Ministry of Defense. a volunteer firefighter

Miror reports that the group of bikers "Night Wolves" Vladimir Putin, qualifes a European base of tavila with armored vehicles and tanks near a small village in Slovakia.

The list also indicates that the eg, who likes to be called "warriors on the road", often emphasizes that he wants to preserve his homeland from "homosexuals and feminists" and they are ready to die for Putin who is their honorary member.

According to the British tabloid, their arrival in Slovakia coincides with the attack of biker gangs on the naval facility in Crimea in 2014.

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