Can Britain reject the KiM agenda of the SB meeting?


A United Kingdom representative at the United Nations said on May 14: "It is high time for the Security Council to meet on this occasion less often, we must focus on the real threats to peace and security

The United Nations has repeatedly reaffirmed its position, and Britain would be able to streamline the proposal during the presidency of the Security Council. a regular three-month session on the southern province was missing.It is obvious to the Serbian government that it is frivolous and dishonest, but it is expected

"It is obvious that they are not interested in the Serbian attitude, it is a clear message for us, "said Foreign Minister Ivica Dacic.

And it comes from the media before the transitions, not from the official London. [19659002] The medias As British do not devote any letters to the subject and foreign political analysts, as close to independent parties, are simply surprised that their country will take over the presidency of the Security Council tomorrow because they are all so busy with the Bregzit they just missed, according to London RTS correspondent Ivana Miloradovic.

He added that the officials of Forin Officers announced that the framework and directives of the British presidency of the Security Council would be published in the New York Times .

Although a coherent British plan for connoisseurs, there is no chance of succeeding. Despite the fact that procedural issues do not apply to the right of veto.

"Veta is not, but there is an agreement, and the president is obliged to act in agreement with the other members, as they exercise their right to the first between equals, take care of not not spoil the relations, "said former diplomat Vladislav Jovanovic.

"We are probably counting on the support of the Russian ambassador and the support of China, where this issue would be postponed, that is, to discuss the Security Council and Kosovo", said Slobodan Zecevic.

The temporary withdrawal of the Kosovo issue from the agenda does not mean the elimination of the problem. At least not for Serbia, say the experts.

"It is in our interest to follow the public, because the ratio of forces in the world changes so much that this problem becomes more apparent," said Jovanovic

. when all this is confirmed, it would be normal for Kosovo to join the UN, to recognize itself as an independent state and other international organizations, such as Interpol and others, "added Zecevic

The format of the Council of Metohija Council, apart from Great Britain, is also looking for several Western countries. At the same time, they advocate the reduction of the budget of UNMIK.

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