CE 6 VIRUSES STILL PLANETE LIKE TAKA: Their contemporary EPIDEMIC WHO managed to prevent this year, for the following they are not sure (VIDEO) | planet


As part of the new measures, in 2015, this international body undertook a study to determine what diseases could result from similar threats that could again result in the state of emergency and the manner in which they are handled. protect against such epidemics.

Today, three years later, they have compiled a list called "Bluprint Pride Disorder" on which the six most dangerous viral diseases could potentially put the world at risk in the future. The word is really the worst of the worst: the Ebola virus, MERS, Zika, the Nipa virus, Lasa fever and Rift Veli fever.

Of these six diseases and pathogens, this year 190 people have already died and the outbreak of the epidemic has cost millions of dollars. But the problem is not solved and it is very likely that it will reappear and infect more people. It is expected that they could kill thousands of people, put the world at risk and cause disastrous consequences, and he hardly knows that all these diseases were active during the month of June.

Dr. Mike Rajan, deputy director of the World Health Organization, says that this activity of all deadly diseases has not occurred in the last 25 years, so ZSO is waiting. "It is likely that such an exaggeration will appear, and our duty is to be ready because our civilization depends on free movement and the free movement of people and goods," he says, which increases the risk of rapid spread of diseases. the end of the world.

As Rajan says, the world usually experiences about 4-5 different epidemics a year, but they usually do not occur at the same time. But this situation in which six deadly diseases in six different areas are simultaneously affected is indeed a precedent, and Rajan says "an overall stress test".

"If any of these epidemics is enslaved, it will be much harder to stop the disaster," said Lojs Pejs, president and chief executive officer of Global Health for Health. And while this year has managed to control the epidemic, experts worry about the reduction of investment in R & D, which is the single most important factor in fighting the risk of the epidemic. epidemic.

Frightened by thinking of a scenario in which he will not be able to stop the epidemic because it endangers not only human life but also global security and stability, because viruses do not do not know the borders of the state.


Photo: Profimedia


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