Ceca broke the record during a visit | Scene


Folk star in front of 5,000 people in the disco "Top Hil" of Budva

JEDNA od najvećih zvezda srpske podium Svetlana Ceca Raznatovic održala I u utorak memorijalnu koncert u budvanskoj diskoteki "Top hil" pred oko 5.000 fanova, I do not know novu a record when it comes to visiting this club. The singer appeared in a very difficult edition before the audience. The black dress and dress was highlighted by her bust, but the performance in Budva, which started with the song "Where have the girls gone", will never be remembered for that.

Read more – BECAUSE REST: Ceca offered human and financial help to the boy that Veljko knocked out

There were more than 30 musicians with Ceca, and for the first time they followed the chorus and the String orchestra. The concert, filled with his greatest hits, lasted until the end of the night, and the splash did not stop a large number of fans from finishing their appearances with their favorite singer.

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