Children with Morkio's syndrome began receiving therapy


Representatives of patient associations hope that the state will find a way and that five adults will receive the last therapy, which is very expensive.

How are patients treated in other European and global countries and what are the effects of modern therapy. the subject of the International Congress on Mucopolysaccharidosis, which is being held today in Belgrade

More than 100 experts from the country and the world on the treatment of metabolic diseases

One of the world's leading experts in the treatment of patients with Of metabolic diseases, according to Dr. Christina Lampe of the Gissen University Hospital, Germany, all patients have equal treatment conditions.

"The early diagnosis of mucopolysaccharidosis is very important because it is a chronic, progressive disease that damages all organs. Previous therapy begins to avoid irreversible damage to the organs, "said Lampe aux Journalists before the start of the rally.

Morkio syndrome is a severe congenital metabolic disease caused by enzyme deficiency. cessation of patient growth, frequent respiratory infections, damage to the skeletal, auditory, vision, and sometimes internal organs

Lampea says that the hospital in which she participated in the study from the use of modern medicine

Explains that the drug is new and that it is early to assess its effect.

President of the MPS Patients Association Serbia Dragana M Iletic Lajko stressed that she was particularly pleased that after years of effort, people with MPS 4 have started to receive enzyma substitution therapy to the detriment of the State

She expects the authorities to find a solution as soon as possible.

Marija Đorđević, Ph.D., head of the Department of Metabolic Disease Research at the Institute of Mother and Child, explains the possibility of modern therapy which stops the progression of the disease and improves the quality of life. that code is innate metabolic diseases are missing or the function of an enzyme is significantly reduced, and complex sugars can not be metabolized but accumulate in the body and damage many organs – the heart, the liver, the skeletal system. "In mucopolysaccharidosis, type 4A is the most common skeletal system, and the consequences occur on many other organs," says Djordjevic.

Adds a drug for the treatment of patients, which means that the missing enzyme is manufactured to give patients a venous.

"Somehow this drug is less effective, but it is an important and very important step in the treatment of inborn metabolic diseases.If we want to help patients, it is important to diagnose as soon as possible, to start the therapy as soon as possible.Please add that the treatment of patients is an important multidisciplinary approach, and that doctors who deal with other areas must be involved, as many doctors, orthopedists, neurosurgeons, cardiologists , of pneumologists,

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