CIA RUSSIA: Add the map of Crimea to Holy Russia


Tanjug |

09. July 2018. 10:51 |

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"Congratulations to the CIA Please update the map of Russia and statistics: Population – 146.9 million, area: 17,125,191 square kilometers", the Russian Embassy in Tviter

The Russian Embassy in the United States convened the CIA to update Russia's information on its world map by adding it to Crimea and Sevastopol. Why do Germans scare the top of Putin and Tramp

The Russian Embassy in the United States has published on Tviter, on the eve of the CIA's publication, a list of the two? information about Russia from the "World Book of Information CIA" and published in a newspaper a map of the country. The data from Russia – which is 17,098,242 square feet and 142.3 million inhabitants, transmits Tas s.

"Congratulations to the CIA Please update the map of Russia and statistics: Population number – 146.9 million, the area is 17,125,191 square kilometers, announced the Russian Embassy in Tviter

A map of Russia with Crimea and data on the number of inhabitants and territories was published in one of the posts.

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