CITIZEN DAY OF MONTENEGRO OF MONTENEGRO: The smile of Čupić symbol of resistance World



July 13, 2018 20:28 |

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Montenegro celebrated the day of the state, July 13, the most important date of its turbulent history. Djukanovic discovered a monument in Niksic

The CRNA Gora celebrated Friday, July 13, a date that recalls two great events, in 1878, when its independence and its insurrections and insurrections in 1941, when the creation was collapsed, were led by Italian General Alessandro Pircio Biroli. Montenegrin President Milo Djukanovic, at the Gorica Ceremonial Academy, Podgorica, said that July 13 was the most important date in Montenegro's eventful history and that antifascism was the first condition fundamental of its existence and survival

. jubilantly stands another famous July 13 – when, 140 years ago, at the Berlin Congress, an international recognition of the state was created, founded twenty years earlier, a glorious battle over Grahovac. We are proud of our generation's historic engagement in the 2006 referendum, in which we restored the state through a democratic battle. And on July 13, 1941, it was a heroic and an insurrection when the whole Montenegrin nation arose, and in the first place its intrepid youth. Therefore, after hundreds of years of these illegitimate decisions, we can say that the Trinaest of the uprising in 1941 for the Montenegrin people had the character of the action of the double victory of national dignity – said Djukanovic.

READ MORE – DAY OF INDEPENDENCE OF MONTENEGRO: Sovereign, but divided; Djukanovic: historical date

He announced that Montenegro, with an even greater ambition, would deepen European reforms and accession processes, without "granting it to anyone, but above all to its national interests, citizens and future ". – As long as Montenegro is no longer in front of the vision, he already lives his vision of modern, democratic, secular and civil, Mediterranean and European countries. Nobody can move Montenegro to Montenegro, and this will not come from the turbulent Balkans, but from the Montenegrin state and from social existence in a non-Balkan way –

After the celebration the party in Niksic, the largest and most beautiful in Montenegro. Freedom, on which the President of the State has just discovered Friday a monument to the national hero Ljubo Čupić, whose battlefield smile has been transmitted to the world

– The smile that Ljubo addressed to convicted criminals to death is invisible. After Ljubo Cupic was sentenced to death by criminals, he immediately took him across the square to lose him. Ljubo was dignified by the present Nikšićan, saying to his smile that fascism would be overthrown. That happened in 1945, and Ljubo will always send his smile of challenge and courage to this place, as a sign of victory over fascism and incitement to all the anti-fascists of the world – said Mayor Nikšić Veselin Grbović.


– On Petrovdan in 1941, the precursor of this current Montenegro emerged. And then, on July 13, 1941, those who celebrated Vučji Do, who had been closer to Karadjordje than Vitorio Emanuele, rose to the uprising, not to the battle of Tuđemil. Those to whom Gavrilo Princip was a model, not a traitor and a terrorist, those whom Stalin and Emperor Romanov were closer to Hitler and Mussolini. They raised the uprising, both red and white, of people who appreciated above all freedom and the victims fell into history for the honor and oppression – says Slaven Radunovic, a new responsible for Serbian democracy RADOST

FIRST Dusko Markovic congratulated the citizens of Montenegro on July 13 – State Day

– Jul is already a century and a month of joy and of memory of Montenegro, its duration and its heroic history – the Prime Minister declared

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