COMARKS IN THE ATTENTION: The West Nile virus strike in August!


Patients with West Nile fever currently have two in the territory of Serbia. This seasonal viral disease that is transmitted by stinging mosquitoes is most often recorded in July, while most infections are expected in August, according to the Biocide Institute of Belgrade

. Up to now, the male (66) and the woman (69) of the territory of the municipality of Pancevo and Palilul in Belgrade

Mosquitoes have been sampled on the territory of seventeen municipalities of Belgrade and in cities of Pancevo and Kikinda. The Institute of Biocides and Medical Ecology has collected and analyzed mosquitoes in the presence of West Nile fever, Dengue, Chikungunya, Zika and Malaria.

In the territory of Pancevo, positive results have been found. Glogonj, Jabuka, Ivanovo, Starcevo, Vojlovica, Omoljica. In the territory of Belgrade, the results of the positive presence of West Nile virus were found in the municipalities of Cukarica and Palilula according to the declaration of the Biocides Institute

In 80% of the cases, no Sign of Illness 20% of infected symptoms resemble a flu-like illness.

Fever, headache, sore throat, muscles and joints are the most common symptoms. In a small number of individuals, only 0.1 percent, serious complications, such as meningitis, occur. This happens when immunity is considerably weakened by chronic diseases – says Dr. Radmilo Petrović, an epidemiologist

The West Nile virus transmits the species of domestic mosquito Culex pipiens, which is found for a long time on the territory of Serbia. Domestic mosquitoes live in the immediate human environment and can be reproduced in any stagnant water that remains longer than seven days.

It is important that citizens do not promote their reproduction through their activities but through collective protection measures. the reduction of its number in the immediate human environment – the Institute of Biocides said.

West Nile virus infection was recorded for the first time in Serbia at the end of July 2012. From 2012 to 2017, a total of 574 patients were registered in Serbia and 61 people died

Depending on the results obtained, additional measures will be taken to regulate the number of mosquitoes and protect the population against contagious diseases.
19659004] Throughout the year of mosquito production in 2018, the teams of the I & 39 Institute of Biocides and Medical Ecology will continue to monitor the number of mosquitoes as well as the detection of viruses of West Nile Fever, Dengue and Chicungun . for biocides.

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