Crime without penalty: 19 years after the Old Grass massacre


19 years ago, on July 23, 1999, in the field near the village of Staro Gracko, near the village of Lipljan in KiM, 14 Serbs, methane of this village, were killed by collecting it.

Source: Tanjug

Nobody responded to the Old Grace massacre.

Marko Uri, Director of the Office for Kosovo and Metohija, said that this crime is an indelible stain on the face of the international community, in front of whose eyes innocent people are slaughtered, but also all those who helped the poisoners . "I ask the representatives of the Provisional Institutions of Self-Government of Prita, who do not prosecute the terrorists, to stop the conspiracy to escape the crimes of the so-called KLA and other criminal groups in Kosova. Metohija, "the statement said.

Uri added that the families of the victims did not need the hypocritical release of the victims and photographs of the Pritina representatives near the commemorative plaque, but he decided to take steps that would lead to the 39, arrest and defamation of the perpetrators.

He noted that the responsibility of the fact that the murderers of Stari Graecki were not brought to justice by parties of certain international institutions under the jurisdiction of which was the establishment of the state of right to Kosovo and Metohija. "Serbia and the Serbian people will never give up the truth about the suffering of our compatriots, but also the true malignancy of what many political representatives of the Albanian people in Kosovo and Metohija describe as a struggle for freedom ".

Slavica Popovi de Graanica, who lost her brother, father and two uncles on July 23, 1999, says that she and her family will never give up justice.

"Although I do not give up," Popovi told Radio Television Graanica, recalling that EULEX suspended last year an investigation into the killing of 14 Serbian Etelos in the village of Staro Gracko.

At the same time, Popovi thanked, among others, the Serbian President Alexander Wuyu, the director of KiM Mark Uri's office and the chairman of the Committee for KiM Milovan Drecun for the support they bring to the families of victims and for that they do not forget the crimes against the Serbs. "Goradevac, no Express, Murder in Orahovac, Journalists … Now it's different, that's a lot of mention," she said.

Popovi added that she will not be on the parade of victims in Stara Graka tomorrow, but that she will attend the annual meeting in the commemorative hall in Belgrade. "For years, I sued for my loved ones, who were with their parents and comrades that day, and no one came back." I turned to all the relevant institutions to find the perpetrators of this monstrous crime. who is with us and the underworld to investigate the track of justice, "said Popovi, according to Radio Television Graanica

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