CRIMINALS IN "OFSAJDU": Uncategorized kings of the underworld have been suggested not to come to the center of Moscow | Mundial



July 5, 2018 7:29 AM |

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Russian police conducted a number of operational interviews with criminal "authorities" on the eve of the beginning of the SP in football, that is to say, gang leaders who were suggested to withdraw

Russian police conducted a number of operational discussions with the criminal "authorities", that is, the gang leaders who are supposed to withdraw and not be shocked and scared by many foreign fans from different countries. The Kings of the Underworld had to give up during the Mundial to come to the center of Moscow with their expensive armored vehicles, accompanied by bodyguards.

According to the Rosbalt agency, police inspectors conducted numerous interviews with a wider group of "voices in law," which, in a literal translation, meant "legalized thieves" and essentially heads of criminal groups. While they move around the city and come to restaurants, there is a group of at least five, six bodyguards next to them. The police are well aware that some of these leaders have great mutual intolerance, which allows them to get their hands on the guns.

THE MOST OF THE CAUCASUS According to the names that the agency "Rosbalt" is considered the leader of the Caucasian criminals and Soviets: Georgians, Armenians, Osetini, Abhazi … This does not mean that there are no Russians and other Slavic nations among the leaders of the bandits, but in the police they claim that they do not steal a lot accompanied by lazy people. Chechens have their tribal bandit organizations and they do not interfere with others.

Unlike the Soviet era when Moscow hosted the 1980 Olympics, the police licensed the city of those who had been sentenced to imprisonment, as well as registered prostitutes. Now, they have not gone to such measures, but the criminal "authorities" have been warned of what would follow if an incident occurred. Until now, it was very calm, and the leaders are "resting" in their posh dorms in Podmoskovlje and watch the matches via television. They, and, of course, do not go to the stadiums.

As the SP continues, criminals are banned from entering Moscow and they can then discuss conflicts between those who are at large and want to be at the top of a pyramid of bandits , like Dmitry Chinturia, aka Miron, and Eduard Asatrjan, called Edik Osetrina.

It's no secret that all 11 Russian cities where SPs are played are scattered by thousands of cameras, so the police are very effective at capturing pocket money, but Others who are wrong. This is why many foreign visitors appreciate the hospitality and safety of this championship. And it's a big advertisement for Russia that has been blamed by Western media for months to scare away fans and abandon the road to the biggest Slovenian country.

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THE CRIMINAL COURTS The police gave another task – they were told to do so. warn various groups of boards of directors to stop their work, otherwise they would be punished severely.

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