Croatia self-goal with Tompson after the finals


  Fajnenšel tajms: Auto-gol Croatia with Tompson after the final
22.07.2018 14:59 | Tanjug

London – Croatia achieved an automatic goal after the World Cup, writes "Fajnenšel tajms" on the occasion of the Croatian football match in Zagreb with the performance of Marc Perkovic Tompson

The British newspaper quotes the Croatian way of the final problems related to pension reform, the economy and mass emigration and some focused only on how actors such as Luka Modric and Mario Mandžukić overcame accidents and displacements during the wars of the 1990s.

"Perkovic, better known as Tompson, is a nationalist singer who sings on various camps of genocide and concentration during the Second World War, while he was in Zagreb and sang the unofficial anthem of "Beautiful You", the fascists were led by Croatia, "he recalls and believes that his performance in Zagreb, at the invitation of the equi Croatian pe, propagated the voltage of the ud. the ruin associated with the war of the 90s.

Many thought that his presence in the party politicized what was to be a moment of communion.

"This World Champion meant unification, because they all literally looked for Croatia, at home, but also in the region, but now in Croatia, there is Bitterness and disappointment, because one has the impression that some symbols are political in color, and yet those who do not agree with Tompson are labeled "not enough Croats," said Tena Prelac.

"Fajnenšel tajms" recalls that a group of veterans in 2016 set up a panel in Jasenovac with the words "Za

Nearly a year later, a plaque d & # 39; Where 83,000 Serbs, Jews and Roma died were killed.

Football, as it is said, has helped to create national pride in it. that Croatia was the third in the world in 1998, only three years after the end of the wars with Serbia and Bosnia.

"Fudge victories determine national identity and wars," said Croatian President Franjo. "For many Croatians, the national team is one of the sacred elements that make up the nation," said analyst Dario Brentin, who discusses the analysis of football and nationalism in the Balkans at the University of Grace. the national team and Tompson for many have crossed the line, writes "FT".

The football player Ivan Rakitić published a photo with Tompson describing the "king arrived."

Three days later, this "self" arrived from 640,000 lakhova.

Selektor Zlatko Dalić defended the performance of Tompson, while others felt that there was no room for him

"You are the model. Tompson is a polarizing phenomenon in Croatia and a wicker in the rest, "writes Gordan Duhaček in the column" indedž.hr "

The director of the Simon Kissing Center and the" Nazi Trainer "also said that Tompson should not be a guest. nowhere

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