Croatian actresses "hit" because they criticized Tompson


Croatian actress Nataša Janjić criticizes the performance of Mark Perkovic Tompson on the football field. Now she is "touched".


  screenshot / HRT

screenshot / HRT

"We love each other at the end … it's indescribable," she wrote to Fejsbuk , and many of them included, among others, his colleague Lana Barić and Jelena Veljača

"I am a little shocked by the air," wrote in February Tompson was also hit by Lani Barić.

"It was a bit of a triumph to win in the match, but the opponent was stronger," she said.

Because of these rumors, Tompson's fans have violently attacked these three actresses on social networks, the portals on the right have published a number of articles in which they are labeled offensively.

That is why Aleksandar Kolarić, communications expert at SDP, who mocks hatred and threats that are reported to actresses, was also voiced.

"For four days he There is indefatigable proselytism, verbal abuse and threats perpetrated by women in social networks in Croatia. For four days on Fejsbuk, they receive a bunch of insults from various anonymous or unnamed profiles. I saw some of these messages. It is a primitive speech sick, it is a communication of the sewer. I shut up. Do you know what these people do not want to lie, mess, hate and envy? How much is a misfortune to someone who needs it the most to be successful for the other? What did these women do? These are people from the public who have dared to publicly express their opinions differently from most people. So, these three women wrote that they thought that Tompson had missed the tune on the place on Monday. Their comments Fejsbuk were soon published on portals, and as they are public people, the link of the social network has started. And it's the fourth day. The fact that it concerns women, and generally in these regions, only gives the immortal crowd even greater punishments and threats. Should we publicly criticize Tompson in Croatia if it does not cause verbal hatred? In Croatia today, do we publicly criticize footballers who have won the money, and that this does not provoke a verbal pursuit? According to the line that has come to these women, obviously, she does not do it. Because it is not normal for us in our society, because of the rapist's critical attitude, to provoke verbal abuse, to save the worst offenses and threats. This is not normal. No, it is not democracy, it is the hatred and poisoning of society. No, it's not a discussion, it's hate. Those who think that they do not care because it happens to somebody else, to public figures, to women there, to people who do not share nothing, to people with a different lifestyle, misunderstood. Concentric circles of hate in a society, and it is where it works, always stronger and wider. If we do not stop this tendency to hate totalitarian minds, many people have neither the heart nor the spirit to condemn another lyncha to which three women are exposed. Who heard of it and who is silent? You who approve of it so much? Do you really think that does not matter to you? She wrote to Fejsbuk.

Among the crowds of insults directed by the actors, there are also those who "hate all Croats", that "the actresses have become over the bed", and that's just some Commentators, reports "" {var_fbq = window._fbq || (window._fbq = []); if (! _ fbq.loaded) {var fbds = document.createElement ("script"); fbds.async = true; fbds.src =";var s = document.getElementsByTagName ("script") [0]; s.parentNode.insertBefore (fbds, s); _ fbq. loaded = true}}) (); window._fbq window._fbq || = []; window._fbq.push ([“track”,”6022054961321″,{“value”:”0.00″,”currency”:”EUR”}]);
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