Defense: Need for cooperation with Europe to avoid world trade wars


Tanjug |

July 16, 2018 09:41 |

Donald Tusk, President of the European Council, invited US President Donald Tramp, his Russian counterpart Vladimir Putin and China to work with Europe to avoid trade wars and prevent conflicts

Donald Tusk, President of the Council Today, US President Donald Tramp and his Russian counterpart Vladimir Putin and China are working with Europe to avoid trade wars and prevent conflict and chaos.

Tusk addressed the Putin summit and the tram summit in Beijing, to be held today in Helsinki, AP reported

"We are all aware that the architecture of the world is changing before our eyes and it is our common responsibility to make this change for the better, "said Tusk

PLUS – Putin and Tramp Change the World?

He added that Europe, China, the United States and Russia have a common duty not to destroy the world order, but to improve it by reforming the rules of international trade.

READ MORE – Tusk: a historic moment for relations between the EU and the Western Balkans


Donald Tusk, President of the European Council the European Union and the United States are the best friends and those who claim that the opposite spreads the fake

He said this after the statement of US President Donald Trampe, which the EU has called the United States "the enemy" of trade. "America and the EU are the best friends, the one who says we are the enemies of the wider fake news," wrote Tusk on Twitter

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