Demi Lovato is exaggerated not to cooperate with police and doctors


Singer Demi Lovato was found unconscious at home in Los Angeles and her friends called Ambulance. The young star, who fought with opiate addiction, was injected on the spot with a drug that abolished the drug and then transferred to the hospital.

The American media reports the slightest detail of this case, and the essential fact is that Demi refuses to cooperate with police and doctors.

The singer has already stated that she was proud to have been completely sober for six years because she had already fought with addiction . However, this year again she falls asleep, which she describes in the song "Sober".

Half is even co-owner of a drug rehabilitation center, in which she herself was treated, and "TMZ" reports that she began to fight her at the beginning of the month

Half is "conscious and in good condition", but refuses to tell her doctor what she took . It was originally announced that it was a heroin, although none of the items or substances commonly associated with this drug were found in his home.

Moreover, no medicine was found in the house.

For this reason, the police, who carried out the search, can not accuse the singer of drug possession because she does not know where she disappeared, unless she takes it all that she owned and her friends "cleaned" the traces. Her determination not to disclose what she's almost decided to do is cause problems and the doctors who are trying to find the best therapy are transmitting "TMZ".

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