Devojcica (15 years old) died after taking ecstasy, her parents published in LENGTH PHOTOGRAPHY



07/11/2018. 07:01

  Šakira Pelou

Šakira Pelou, Photo: Facebook / Private Archives

Šakira Pelov died Saturday morning after taking dangerous drugs, a new kind of ecstasy appeared on the market

Mirjana (21) found MRTVA in an apartment in the center of Belgrade, FIRST HELP to rescue Jovana (17) who was overwhelmed by ecstasy

Sakak took drugs Friday night and then lost consciousness a park in Kornvelu. The tanks had a heartbeat several times, and the organs were canceled.

The citizen of Belgrade had to review the document for the motionless mother, and when they asked him, he was almost ashamed of it.As soon as he arrived at the hospital, he was apprehended on the device and his mother and stepfather were constantly with her. Unfortunately, Saturday morning, Shakira lost a battle for life

"He loved her a lot, and my son abused, cheated on and beat my son."

His father-in-law wanted to turn to other parents but also to young people pay attention to the dangerous blue pill that affects the lives of teenagers, and on his Fejsbuk profile put a picture showing how Shakira is fighting for the life. archive

– This is the most horrible photo and we have discussed the publication. However, we wanted to tell teens that this would happen if they continued to take narcotics. Our failures will not come back. It was his life and now it's over, and it can easily happen to you too. It's a shocking photo, but I honestly believed that she would manage to survive. I was intending to show it later. We did not even think it would be worse, but we are in a sad situation now, "Li told the British media

. The mother laid the boy's cable (8) after catching sex with his granddaughter [19659009] We recall, in recent weeks, that a number of young people have died in Serbia after taking narcotics.

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