Disagree on Tramp's invitation to Putin to visit the United States – the world


US President Donald Tramp urged his Russian counterpart Vladimir Putin to visit America, marveled by the director of the US National Intelligence Service, Dan Koats. "It will be special (event)!" Said Koats when he was interviewed live for the Tramp Live Call


The debate on Tramp's first meeting with Putin in Helsinki, where they spoke privately, continues. Democrats pointed out that the two of them should no longer talk to them. "As long as we do not find out what happened during the two-hour meeting in Helsinki, the president should not have any direct exchanges with Putin, either in the United States or in the United States. , in Russia or elsewhere, "said Senator Chuck Schumere. 19659006] Tramp's presidential term is from the beginning in the shadow of the allegation that Russian pirates merged in the US elections in his favor in 2016.

Putin, who was in power since 2000 , visited the United States in 2015 when he met with President Barack Obama, the predecessor of Tramp, on the sidelines of the UN General Assembly in New York to discuss the conflicts in Ukraine and Syria. White House spokeswoman Sara Senders tweeted Thursday that talks on Putin's visit to Washington are ongoing in the fall. The Russian ambassador to Washington, Anatoly Antonov, said that his country was always open to the idea of ​​a visit, but "it is up to the Kremlin to decide how many meetings are needed and when." "

Will he extradite 12 Russian secret agents accused of hacking the Democratic Party computer in the United States? There is no extradition treaty between the two countries, but Putin said he would meet the US government "half way". He pointed out that US investigators could investigate 12 suspects in Russia if, in return, Russian investigators are allowed to question US citizens about the case against the financier Bill Brauder

Brauder played an important role in imposing US sanctions on Russian officials. are accused of bribery in the Magnicki case. One of the Americans on the Russian list is the former US ambassador to Moscow, Michael McFaul. The idea that Russia should be allowed to interrogate US citizens was rejected in the Senate with 98 votes in favor. Nobody voted for "for". US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo said that this "will not happen". Mekfol thanked the Senate for Twitter.

At a press conference in Helsinki, Tramp said: "He (Putin) has offered people working on this case to come and investigate with 12. I think it's an excellent offer. "However, he now says that he" does not agree "with Putin's proposal. "I am grateful that Donald Tramp does not intend to indulge Vladimir Putin to kill me in a Russian prison," said Brauder

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