Do they change the voting system to push Kosovo? | Policy



July 14, 2018 09:02 |

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The announced change in the decision-making process in the EU could facilitate the receipt of a false statement. By introducing a qualified majority, they would remove the resistance of the five, which is not with Pristina

A new way of deciding in the EU, announced by European Commissioner Johannes Khan, could become a new shortcut for the so-called "Kosovo." The mechanism by which certain steps towards full membership in the Union will not require the consensus of all members could be used by some countries to try to "push" the Kosovo on the European path, despite the attitude of countries that do not unilaterally recognize independence.

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Zagreb's Večernji list publishes, quoting Hana's statement, that the European Commission is preparing to introduce new rules according to which individual decisions would no longer require the consent of all members, but qualified the majority of At least 55% of the Member States, covering at least 65% of the total EU population.

This would apply at some stages of the European way, but membership would still be a condition for hearing on all members.

According to the interpretation of the Zagreb Paper, such a decision could prevent Croatia from blocking Serbia's accession negotiations in the future, as it had already attempted .

STEFANOVIC: CLEAR GUIDELINES REQUIRED [19459010Levice-Premierministreetministredel'IntérieurNebojsaStefanovicadéclaréquel'UEdevraitréagirauxintimidationsetarrestationsdeSerbesauKosovoetcondamnerclairementlecomportementdesAlbanais:-Jenesaispassic'estpluscyniqueoutragiqueSil'EuropeveutêtreunacteursérieuxdanslesBalkanspourrésoudrelesproblèmessursonterritoireafindenepasresterunconflitgeléalorselledevraitêtreimpliquéelà-dedansetquandellevoitquelqu'unfairequelquechosecontrelaloiellelecondamneclairement19659007] However, new rules could be used to "smother" Pristina along countries such as Spain or Cyprus, which are firm in the view that Kosovo can not be treated as an independent state. If it were to be adopted, decisions on certain concessions in Pristina could be made without the consent of States that do not recognize Kosovo. In 1965, political analyst Dragomir Andjelkovic says that the possible adoption of a new decision-making process within the European Commission for Serbia could be a double-edged sword:

– His On the one hand, it would really block the possibility of Croatian obstruction of our progress towards the EU. However, knowing the report of Brussels' admistrism to the question of KiM, it seems to me that this aspect could be decisive. Thus, supporters of the independence of Kosovo will be able to override member states that do not recognize this independence

The so-called Kosovo hopes that visa liberalization this year could allow passport holders to have their own passport. a false state to circulate without a visa. Trip to "Schengen" countries.

Pristina, moreover, signed a Stabilization and Association Agreement with the European Union less than three years ago. Theoretically, after the successful implementation of the ASA, he could apply for membership in the EU. In practice, however, since five EU countries do not recognize Kosovo, each of their next steps is blocked. Unless the decision rules do not change.

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