Do we have reason to fear West Nile virus?



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Gentle, rainy summers and hot summers are ideal for breeding mosquitoes

One person died this week in Serbia and over 28 were infected with West Nile virus.

However, experts say that there is no reason to panic.

From 2012 to 2017 in Serbia, 574 people were infected with West Nile virus, of which 61 died, according to the Public Health Institute of Serbia.

What is West Nile Virus?

West Nile virus spreads to the bones of an infected mosquito.

There is no evidence that the virus can be transmitted from one person to another or from another animal species to humans.

Symptoms of the disease occur within two weeks after the bite of the infection. "About 80% of infected people suffer from this disease without symptoms," say experts from the Institute of Public Health of Serbia

"About twenty percent of infected people have a mild clinical picture in the form of fever, headache, nausea and vomiting. . "

The most sensitive group is people aged over 50 and the chronically ill

On average, for 150 people," src = " /uploads/2018/07/87951491_anopheles.jpg "height =" 549 "width =" 976 "/>

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The virus carries birds and is transmitted to humans by the bite of infected mosquitoes

[1945] 990] Where can I get infected?

West Nile virus was identified in Uganda in 1937.

Recently, epidemics have broken out in North America, Africa, Asia, and Eastern Europe. The first case in Serbia was recorded in 2012 when a 60-year-old woman died

This year, there are 10 cases of illness in Belgrade and south of Banat, six south of Bačka, two in the district of Srem and one in the Danube district. West Nile virus is present in mosquitoes in the territories of Belgrade, Novi Sad, Zrenjanin and Pancevo

What is West Nile virus in Serbia?

The climate is one of the main causes of the virus. the changes that led to the breeding of mosquitoes in Serbia

The Public Health Institute of Serbia has classified this virus among the five that threaten the health of the population because of climate change

  Scientist with mosquitoes </p>
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Scientists began the first trials of the vaccine against West Nile virus

How to protect yourself?

There is no specific protection against West Nile fever.

In 2002, scientists began developing a vaccine against this virus and in 2015, the first vaccine trials on infected people started in the UK.

  • Destruction of mosquitoes
  • Use of protective grates to reduce the number of mosquitoes in the pen
  • Avoid running out early in the morning and evening bites of infected mosquitoes
  • Use of mosquitoes a repellent on open body parts

Professor Kris Kurtis of Medical Entomology in Londons what a school of hygiene says that people should not worry about the virus, but that's It is certainly good to be aware of it.

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"Over the course of a dozen years, a sufficient number of people will have this virus and will recover, it will become immune" says Dr. Toni Fauci of the US National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases for the BBC.

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