Do you like wine and cocktails? They are, however, detrimental to the largest human body


Did you know that alcohol can be classified by the harm to people's skin? Black wine is traditionally the least harmful to health in general, but is it the case when it comes to the skin?


  Photo: Thinkstock / LightFieldStudios

Photo: Thinkstock / LightFieldStudios

Dr. Izabel Šarkar explained that alcohol consumption affects our skin and that, according to the brochure that she has compiled, this biggest human body damage to hot drinks. He says that skin is the worst black wine and cocktail.

Pure distilled beverages (vodka, gin and teaspoon)

The doctor says that pure alcohol contains the least additive, which is why it moves the fastest to through the body, leaving it faster.

"A non-cereal cereal potato will be the fastest to cross the body," she explains and reports portal

Whiskey and Rum

Clean liqueurs, rum and whiskey also have no additives. However, these drinks contain a congenital alcoholic ingredient resulting from the fermentation process. Just that can worsen mamurluk and help accelerate the aging of the skin.


Beer therefore contains, which certainly does not help the skin. Dr. Šarkar, however, notes that a man drinks less than a cocktail in quantities, adding that it's less skin damage.

Belo Wine

Belo wine contains sugar and sugar, which may cause subluxation. However, it does not contain antioxidants containing black wine.

Black Wine

Wine is the most dangerous drink for the skin. Although black has beneficial effects because it contains antioxidants, it can be harmful if someone suffers from rosacea, a chronic inflammatory disease characterized by redness of the face. Antioxidants make black wine the least harmful to general health, but when it is not filtered, our liver and kidneys have to work hard to treat it. Black wine causes redness and protrusion of the skin, so avoid it in large quantities.


Cocktails contain a lot of sugar, which causes inflammation, which increases cell damage and then acne. These drinks can cause a "sugar mamurluk", a subwoofer and a subwoofer. The worst cocktail for the skin is the margarita, because it contains sugar and sugar, says this doctor

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