Does Spain rely on the tombs of Pavelic and Lubric or return them to the country of birth?


According to this new law, all those who opposed the Franco regime and who were therefore prosecuted, the "crimes" would be erased, while the associations and organizations that celebrate and glorify the memory of Francis Franck, as the Foundation which bears his

The Spanish portal announced that under this law, the tombs of Pavelic and Lubric could be moved to less visible places or be returned to the country of their birth .

Pavelić and Luburić were born in Bosnia-Herzegovina, Pavelic near Konjic, and Luburić near Ljubuski, and so on. the relocation of their tomb is that the places where became the burial places became centers of pilgrimage of the members of the far right, which also concerns the new Spanish law

 ante pavelic

Sanchez said that the grave of the former fascist dictator Frank should have left Valle de los Kaidos, near Madrid.

The new law also provides for the creation of a commission to investigate the crimes of the Franco regime, the portal

He fled Croatia in 1945, Pavelic he looked for a dog in Argentina, but after an unsuccessful assault against him in 1957 in Buenos Aires and when he was tried by the Serbian emigrant Blagoje Jovovic, Pavelic moved to Spain because he had good relations with the Franco regime.

He died there in 1959

Luburić also moved to Frank Spain in 1949.

He lived in Valencia, where he had a printing press in which he published pro-American newspapers.

He was murdered in the 1969 printing house.

After Frank's death, Spain accepted the amnesty to arrest him again But the families of those who were against Frank for many years rebelled because of this, because they thought they were unjustly stigmatized, and at the same time they were forgiven by the Frankish regime

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