Donald Tramp – Montenegro – an alert in the Senate


A group of US senators, concerned by the dedication of US President Alliance, proposed Friday a law banning Donald Tramp from withdrawing from NATO.

<img src = "" alt = "Photo: MONDO / D. Unfortunately, the abuse of our Tramp's closest allies led to suspicion of America's commitment to the Alliance and Transatlantic Values.

The reason for such a decision is, say the US media, and Tramp's recent position on Montenegro, Defense, US Senator John McCain said:

The bipartisan proposal presented by McChryne and a Democrat group would require the President to obtain approval from the Senate to amend or abolish US membership in NATO

Tramp is attempting to withdraw from NATO without the approval of the Senate, this law authorizes the Senate Legal Counsel to s & # 39; to oppose such a decision in the courts, cited the Senators in a joint statement and stripes ", Tramp claimed to take the thing into their hands if the members do not start working for the Aliyans. At the end of the Summit, he changed his mind and said he was satisfied with the promise of the members to stand out in the future, and that NATO is now much stronger in the "machining shop".

However, the Tramp message was bothered by the allies.

The day after his meeting with Russian President Vladimir Putin, Tramp expressed his suspicions about the Alliance's willingness to defend the smallest and newest ally, Montenegro, should an attack on the country arrive.

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