Dosing amount of juices children


13 Jul 2018. 09:15 |

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Do not drink too much juice, but limit your daily intake because without this liquid you can really, so why overload it with so much sugar. They do not need to give them juice before the first year, and up to three-thirds of the glass a day

Deca like the factory juices, and doctors claim that they do not have the juice. they are not in good health. If you have a dilemma of please a child or a specialist, it is best to balance. Do not completely deny them the juice, but limit the daily intake because without these liquids you can really, so why would they be defeated with so much sugar.

The American Pediatrics Academy recommended parents not to give juveniles until their first year. By the third grade, they think that it's okay to have half a glass of tea a day, up to sixty-three, and a full glass up to the day before. 18 years old. All this is damaging because sugars are full of sugar, they are responsible for obesity and cavities.

Even when a child reaches the age of 18, he should not be spilled, rather than choosing drinks from freshly sliced ​​fruits or teas and water. This will speed up your metabolism and have more energy. What to build as a habit, better for them.

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