

Removed Vidić and wrote him a letter .. Andreana Čekić

It all started four years ago when Vidic called "Zvezde Granda" and then Andrean told him that It was better to find out what she said in front of her about her friends Ceci Ražnatović and Seki Aleksić.


Apparently, he was talking to Vidić … Seka

It was Vidic's fierce anger and she responded in his style:

– Gargamel, no matter what you tell me and I do not look like half of the world, but it's a right horsehair.

However, this war did not stop there, and in a broadcast, Andreana told Vidić that she had called the Sequel in front of her:

"Here's this green dress, this pig could not fit in," cried former Čekic stylist, and when asked who he specifically thought, Vidić would have said, "Well on Seek. "

This threw a designer out of the colossus and announced a lawsuit:

– Does anyone really think I would talk about the help of Seki Aleksić, with whom I'm 20 years old, before Andrean Cekic? The woman is a groom and an absolute idiot, who has waited for his nose and swept the wig on his head, but that does not give him the right to look like a flat leg. Because of what he has done, I plan to pursue it because he needs to learn a lesson. But I do not want to go to the audience because I can not look at his head. Only if you put a box on it, then I will come to face it. She told me to let go of this story and that it should be painful for me, "Saša said.


He also filed a lawsuit against Čekić … Saša Vidić

And as he continued to comment on the appearance of Andreane Čekic and in a magazine, his stajling described it as it floated:

– Grdana, what's your problem? Do you want to be a fish? So you still look like a squirrel, it's like a sweater, or you might want to take Cec? You can only imagine, it is in front of you 15 million light years! The siege and the silence, I told you last time. I would not appreciate you, but we have not had an ugly night this week to put in the box. And if we are real, ugly and worse dressed you do not really exist.


Andreana claims that she no longer associates with Vidić … Czech

After that, Čekićeva wrote a novel in the form of a insult to a popular creator:

– Miss Vidić, you still can not understand, because the drug has eaten sprouts, and I will always bring you back to the factory state called "the truth" every time you say ugly things about me. Well, let's start … In the previous "rating" on the one hand you say that I am grateful, on the other hand, that I try to look like a Czech. Where are these opposites from where this context? Oh yes … I'm ready! This is not the reason why you received a blow from Cece? From the woman who made you, was your friend a true (perhaps even the only) who supported you and held you above the water so that you would not be completely exhausted in your excrement? It's just lousy to mess up those who feed you on the fly, even if it does not surprise me. It was a matter of time when you will stay alone because you do it, and you are asleep. Nobody can be your friend because you are not a friend. You are a sad man. Where are these invitations to the various joys that have occurred in these two months? I have not seen you today. What do you mean? I would have liked to see you, so tell me how to dress. Pity. Sometimes I'm sorry you do not like anyone, "wrote Čekic.

Miss Vidić ♥ ️. . You still can not understand this, because the drug ate the germs, that I go, every time, when you tell me ugly things, go back to the factory state, called the "truth" , with a verbal slap. . . Well, let's start … in the previous "rating" (*) you say on the one hand that I'm bragging, on the other hand you say that I'm trying to look like a czech. Where are these opposites from where this context? Oh yes … I left! This is not the reason why you got a "firing ticket" from Cece? Has the woman who made you good (maybe even the only one) supported you and kept you above the water so that you would not be totally exhausted in your excrement? . It's just lousy to mess up those who feed you on the fly, even if it does not surprise me. It was a matter of time when you would stay alone and alone, because you are so angry about it. Nobody can be your friend because you are not a friend. You are a sad man. . . Where are these invitations to the various joys that have occurred in these two months? I have not seen you today. What do you mean? I would have liked to see you then you explain me how to dress :). Pity. Sometimes I'm sorry you do not like anyone. . . (*) rating:. . Dear colleagues, you are "on the spot" Miss Vidić: you must know that it is not terrible because the person who marks you is not competent. Competent people are those who bring results into their work with them, who do not financially depend on newspaper columns and who deal with personal advances. I'll see you, you'll always be just mud, never Avantgarde. . . Ps: I repeat that I write this for the reason that you are in the show "Prime Minister" that I invented the pregnancy for advertising. Shame on you! I write open letters until you learn to be a gentleman and to do with your daughters. It will not be difficult for me because I think I hope so much for all women that you spit money for years. Go to work, so it will not be necessary. . . PPS: If it's easier for you, we can go to court, I do not know who will pay you for a lawyer. You must understand that I am a good person and that I really care about you, so I will ask you as an old friend to quit and stop leaving you in an even more uncomfortable situation.

Posted by ɑɳɗʀɛɑɳɑ cɛkic (@andreanacekic) on Jul 29, 2018 at 3:55 am PDT

What Andrean was most upset with Saša Vidić's statement that he invented the marketing of pregnancy wins:

– I repeat that I write this for the reason that you are in the "Prime Minister" show that I invented pregnancy for advertising. Shame on you! I write open letters until you learn to be a gentleman and to do with your daughters. It will not be difficult for me because I think I hope so much for all women that you spit money for years. Go to work, so it will not be necessary. If it is easier for you, we can go to court, I do not know who will pay you the lawyer. You must understand that I am a good man and that you really care about yourself, so I'm going to ask you, as an old good friend, to quit and stop letting yourself into a further annoyance. great.

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