Dženifer Lopez on men and ties


Given the diverse group of men with whom he was related and married, including Pi Didi, Ben Aflek, Mark Entoni and his current boyfriend Aleks Rodriguez, Dzenifer Lopez believes he knows some of the criteria for choosing a man perfect [19659002Itwaswillingtoparticipateintheseries"SwipeSessions"thatacreatedTinderetahaseenyoungBruktofindaman

In addition to advising him to "drop" the guy who wrote in his biography that she can not To be with a woman holding a ketchup in the fridge, Dženifer has discovered that he did not want to be with less than 33 years old.

"Men are useless before the age of 33!" he said, and agree with her a relationship specialist, Dr. Džejn Grir, who wrote the book "What to do with me, do not let selfishness break the link."

So, laugh a little! (VIDEO)

"Men have built their careers up to the age of thirty and have financial stability, which is why they have 30 years of security and therefore have a maturity that accompanies success, experience and success.

"Many men in the 1920s range from dating to dating, and then in the early thirties, they experience the wife and are ready to get married. "

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