Eat cooked corn, you'll be relieved of depression


If you want to throw unhealthy snacks and you're missing a replacement, why not try cooking corn during the summer?

This food is not only delicious, but extremely healthy, but low calorie. Nutritionists recommend it as an integral part of every menu because the list of its benefits is very long.

Because of the high content of plant fiber, corn is an excellent diuretic, speeds up metabolism and lowers cholesterol. The richness of vitamin B complex has the effect of lowering the level of homocystine in the blood that impairs the blood vessels, and regular consumption of corn reduces the risk of heart and brain diseases.

Studies show that it prevents anemia, relieves muscle pain, relieves depression, improves concentration and strengthens the nervous system.

Unlike most foods that lose some healthy ingredients by heat treatment, cooking or baking corn is slightly destroyed. only vitamin C, but simultaneously releases antioxidant molecules, which increases its powers.

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