Ecuador abolishes asylum Julian Assange? | World


Tanjug |

July 22, 2018 22:28 |

Ecuador is approaching the decision to abolish the asylum of Wikileaks founder Julian Assange, and to send him back from his embassy in London

Ecuador is preparing to abolish the asylum of Wikileaks founder Julian Assange and to send him back from his embassy in London, according to American research journalist Glenn Greenwald.

Ecuadorian President Lynn Moreno traveled to Britain on Friday where he met with officials to conclude an agreement under which Asanza was to be abolished and handed over to British authorities, Greenwald said on its Intersept website . Duncan: Asange is a small worm, Asange: better worm than a snake

He cites sources referring to the Ecuadorian president and sources of the Foreign Ministry, saying that Asanga could be expelled from the Ecuadorian Embassy next week.

READ MORE: Judge: There is no reason to stop the lawsuit against Assange

Australian citizen Asanz is at the Embassy of Ecuador since 2012, after being accused of sexual assault in Sweden. Inside the embassy, ​​it must not be stopped.

Meanwhile, Sweden has withdrawn the indictment, but it is still threatened with arrest in Britain because it has not responded to a summation of the court at that time. that when he leaves the embassy building, he will be extradited to the United States where he will be questioned about the activities of Wikileaks.

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