He loves luxury – a large wardrobe, a spacious bathroom, a billiard room, a swimming pool … Here is what the luxurious house looks like. a famous family on Lekin Hill!

they did for each family member on the floor. And there is also an indoor pool, which is a job for strangers – just a push of a button hanging on a glass wall is enough! "It's different when a man like this luxury comes to life almost, and differently when for everything You have to do it and work." Slowly and little by little, I created everything myself, every detail in the home that I've bought and rented myself None of this has fallen from the sky.Sometimes I find it difficult because I like to occupy this house and do not can not count on other people.I must know that i have all the details in the house and that is why i am proud of myself.I have a black part of the house. , a white, because I think I am black and white.I am also very happy and I like some details of kits because I believe that they are an attribute of wealth, not interpreted here with We told Martha at one time. "Every home must look like a housekeeper, and many of my friends call me to help them fix the house. and the house, and that fills me up. I think the big mistake is that I did not start doing this work, " revealed the murmur of his unfulfilled desire Elena, daughter of Milet Kitić and Marta Savić, started a musical career, but Far from the Father and the Mother

She inherited the talents of her parents, but they were attracted to something different, so she decided on a musical scandal

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