Emina Jahovic on treatment: Her health is INCREASED, the family does not know what to do


Emini Jahovic the state of health was damaged due to the loss of a large number of books. The singer struggled with this problem for months and decided to take exams and ask for professional help. The troubled health of Emino frightened most of his mother and brother Mirsada who sent Emin to England for treatment.

Jahovicka recently visited one of London's most prestigious clinics. a team of experts diagnosed him and determined the therapy.

– Mirsad literally reserved a term at the clinic and bought him a card. He could not see Emina losing his weight anymore. It is known that she had already had problems with digestion, and that her oscillations at her weight were obvious, and now they have become disturbing. After almost every meal, Emina was nauseous and could not afford to eat. The stress she had about the divorce with Mustafa only made her condition worse and she lost nearly 10 pounds in a month. The stomach simply started to refuse food and the condition became alarming – says a knowledgeable source for the Serbian telegraph.

Emina 's recent complaint of frequent unconsciousness, which her mother was a sign that she should make him He went to London and listened to his brother. According to the allegations, the London journals showed that Emina had a nutritional disorder and prescribed adequate treatment. Experts have warned that they must eat often and a little and that the stomach is getting used to food, and with a higher food intake and kilograms will increase. The singer accepted the doctor's advice, but she continued with strong formations, which is not advisable in her case.

Reminders, Emina recently ended the marriage with Mustafa Sandal and went through an extremely stressful time in his life that, judging by

History.rs Espreso.rs Stefan Tomasevic ATA images Antonio Ahel

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