Erdogan: We will not give up even if the United States introduces sanctions. World


Tanjug |

July 29, 2018 15:01 |

Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan said today that the country would not withdraw if the United States introduced sanctions in the diplomatic dispute aroused by the arrest of an American priest

Turkish President Rexhep Tayyip Erdogan said today The country will not withdraw if the United States introduce sanctions in a diplomatic dispute arising from the arrest of an American priest.

"They can not order Turkey to impose sanctions," Erdogan told reporters. On Thursday, the United States could impose sanctions on their main ally, Turkey, in retaliation for the treatment of Andrew Craig Branson, who was arrested after a failed military state coup in 2016.

The agency says Branson rejects the charges. stated that "he never used Branson as a ticket", but had previously linked his release to extradition Muslim Imam Fetullah Gulen that Turkey is charged with organizing the coup d'état mentioned.

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