How the French president sees the next 10 to 15 years in Europe. Germany and France "the heart of the reactor", places for Turkey and Russia
EUROPE "at higher speed", a term that has already circulated as a possible scenario for the future of Europe, has received the first serious political support for the vision of "European circle of the three "by the French President Emanuel Macron
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At the beginning of the year 2019, when Britain will become the first country to leave the European family, while Macron is getting closer to European populism. has chosen the pro-European capital of Portugal as the first leg of its tour of the Old Continent to present and receive the support of a reformed Europe, as it will see in 10 to 15 years.
The head of the French state presents the vision of a more global Europe than today. so the links would extend not only to Turkey, but also to Russia. But these links would not have the same strength.
– I see a big circle beyond the twenty-fourth, something between the European Union and the current Council of Europe, which will make Europe less integrated than the EU but very demanding. "The heart of the reactor," said Mr. Macron during his talks with citizens in Lisbon, with Portuguese Prime Minister Antony Kost
with Germany and France as the backbone, thus significantly strengthening the area euro. currency, highly integrated labor market and true social rapprochement. "
Read more: " Discovering "Macron
The second circle, according to Macron on the vision ," was probably between the present EU and euro zone. "It would represent a" strong single market, with a policy of sovereignty, trade, research, innovation and true freedom of movement. "These countries, if they wanted and economically and politically advanced, could enter the euro area with a special budget, the European Monetary Fund and a stronger political structure.
According to Macron, the widest circle would include "either in its composition," If we want peace, we must stabilize these two powers ", he stressed, so that these countries adopt and strictly respect the European democratic values.
stressed that "the fate of Europe will be played in the next five years":
– Or we will reform more deeply in Europe, or we will accept the status quo and its gradual disintegration – concluded the French president.
Macron did not explicitly mention the prospect of joining the EU, while in the US, July edition of the European Council for External Relations, the European ambitions of Macron Balkans ", states:" The Balkans is the only region where the EU has the power to achieve a new reality, but it is also the area where Europe suffered the biggest failures "
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