Europe "threatens 47 contagious diseases"


Europe suffers from 47 contagious diseases, including smallpox (morbillus), pandemic influenza, Ebola virus and zygas virus, according to the European Center for Disease Prevention

L & # 39; Morbillian epidemic in Italy, France and the Balkans shows that Despite advances in medicine and technological innovations, infections are spreading more efficiently than ever before.

According to a study of the public health of England, infectious respiratory diseases continue to be the leader. passengers and tourists because they are quickly transmitted and can be fatal.

In terms of trade and the transport of goods, people in these activities are exposed to diseases transmitted by mosquitoes, but also by hepatitis A and norovirus. recently presented in Athens programs and protocols that should allow a rapid response to the spread of dangerous communicable diseases and cross-border threats, such as climates. changes, chemical and radio-nuclear threats.

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