Exclusive to Montenegro! Kija and Vuk Mob together on the sea, here they spent the night! (PHOTO) | telegraph


Kija immediately left the coast in Belgrade on the coast with the Vuk

Kija and Vuk Mob, Photo: Nikola Tomić

After several days of speculation that Kija Kockar and Vuk Mob started the connection, the Telegraph exclusively brings you the first pictures of this money from his family home in Montenegro

They said that they were related and now they are out photos proving that Kija and Vuk Mob are together on holiday in Montenegro! (FOTO)

With the trace of information that Kija, immediately after the promotion of the first Belgrade song, went to the coast with Vuko, we went to the village near Bar, where we were leaving Kia around noon, when he woke up on the terrace

Kija Kockar, Photo: Nikola Tomić

The wolf came out of the same entrance, and after half an hour, she went downstairs bottom of the house, and then returned to the interior. Nikola Tomić

Vuk Mob, Photo: Nikola Tomić

Kija Kockar, Photo: Nikola Tomić

Kija is a guest at Vuka Moba's house in Nikola Tomić

At one point, Vukovi's friends noticed our team, after which the reper went out on the terrace and cried.

Three hours later, Kija and The Wolf came from two other friends at the beach.

Kija and Vuk Mob, Photo: Nikola Tomić

Kija and Vuk went to the beach with their friends, Photo: Nikola Tomić

While they were on the beach, co-pilot Zadruge was sitting on the passenger seat. By the way, we both laughed, but we were not in the mood for comments. Later, Kija told Telegraph that they were just friends and friends to stay with him.

Kija and Vuk Mob, Photo: Nikola Tomić

Otherwise, Kija has a performance in Budva on Monday, so until then he will be right with Vuk.

VIDEO: Opa, doughty!

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