False country Kosovo – a new member of the NATO Pact after the FYR Macedonia


There are more and more indicators that indicate that American democracy is formal, and that behind the official power of alienated and corrupt centers of power, they seek to make decisions based on their globalist interests. . As a result, the world is becoming more and more unstable every day and is in the high-risk zone of regional wars that can jeopardize peace in the world and have unprecedented consequences for mankind. Kosovo and Metohia is an area of ​​conflicting interests of the great powers.

The logic of war remains the backbone of American and British political and military strategists, who continually accumulate NATO forces at the Russian border. Hence the efforts of the so-called. deep state to discredit the talks between President Putin and the Finnish Prime Minister. These Western centers of power do not want to give up the violent globalization and the instrumentalization of the United States, NATO and the EU in this process.

Recognition of the independence of Kosovo was and remains "the main condition for Serbia's accession to the EU". in Serbia, he continues to say that he "sees no other way for Serbia than the road to the EU". NATO does not want the Western Balkan countries to stay out of this pact and to establish criteria for the European Union in line with their interests.

The decisions of many states to join NATO in Eastern Europe have not been democratic. They are politically infiltrated according to the interests of NATO. Such an approach has been demonstrated in the reception of the Baltic countries, Romania, Bulgaria, Croatia, Albania and especially Montenegro. The process is particularly intense in terms of pressure and reception of the FYR Macedonia, Bosnia and Herzegovina and the false state of Kosovo.

The West rushes to get the so-called "permanent binding agreement that would legalize the false state of Kosovo and essentially displace the internationally recognized border of Serbia from Koshar and Paštrika to Merdare and Jarinje. It was also the original strategic goal of the US administration, even before the aggression against the FR of Yugoslavia.In addition to the geopolitical interests of the United States in the east of East, the private interests of this political and military elite have been included.In cooperation with terrorists and criminals in Kosovo and Metohija, they have won huge salaries and are now owners of companies engaged in the Resource exploitation in Kosovo and Metohija

Under cover of "normalization of relations" between Belgrade and Pristina, United States and United Kingdom Covenant, seek to formalize the legalization of the occupation In this way, NATO would become an official force deciding everything in the false state of Kosovo, and any attempt to protect Serbs in Kosovo would be considered an "aggression against Kosovo", which would become soon become a member of the NATO Pact.

The fraudulent state of Kosovo would become "BONDSTIL" for the base of NATO forces across the territory, in a new march towards the east. Serbia would essentially become, with part of its national territory, on the side of the NATO Pact.

The Serbian government should think about this future and become aware of the long-term consequences it brings to the people and the state by signing a "permanent agreement" between Belgrade and Pristina. . The great problem of the Serbian people is that most opposition parties would unconditionally abandon the entire territory of Kosovo and Metohija and confess the false state of Kosovo

Kosovo can not take us if we do not surrender and if we give it to it, NATO will soon begin to build the infrastructure for the US and British military forces, as well as other important NATO members, needed to conduct the operations. military operations in southeastern Europe

. Kosovo to regional and international organizations. For Serbia, the inclusion of Kosovo in the NATO Pact is greater than that in the UN. We do not talk about it, and that is the essence of the whole campaign under the guise of strengthening peace and security in the world. the Western Balkans

The authority in Serbia is constantly trying to persuade the people that there is no second result and that the cosmetic crisis is about to end soon, for the "offspring perspective". If the prospect is to surrender the national territory and change the internationally recognized borders of Serbia, we will ask people who are already clear that it is a classic abandonment of the historical national territory and the unstable operation and signing of agreements that do not comply with the law.

The West has constantly urged Serbia to "negotiate" with the false state of Kosovo, while alongside the United States, Britain and Germany are sending instructors and advisers to organize , equip and train the so-called "Kosovo Security Forces (KSB) and prepare them to assume the role of the future Kosovo Armed Forces (KOS).

For a long time, the NATO Pact and KFOR have planned and invested significant funds to help the federal authorities build a future armed force.Such a strategic retreat and collapse, Serbia experienced the Second World War after the destruction of the state when The armed ballistic formations were formed with the help of Nazi Germany.Today, we have a state and willingly agree to sign the so-called permanent bargaining agreement for fill in the last external condition for r train and promote the so-called. Kosovo Armed Forces (Kosovo Army). During the Second World War, Nazi Germany did not seek what the United States, the EU, and NATO are looking for today

(photo: Analytical Forum)

After the momentum for the implementation of the American Strategy for the Western Balkans. and the international hypothesis of strengthening Kosovo's independence of Kosovo. Deadlines are even announced publicly and unfold through the so-called. political dialogue between Belgrade and Pristina

After almost 20 years of occupation, the Americas and the main states of the NATO Pact, the "international bands" must be the area of ​​this part of Serbia. For these reasons, they do not allow any objective division or survival of Serbian municipalities in northern Kosovo and Metohija in Serbia.

The West regards the binding agreement as an internationally valid legal act that would still challenge the Serbian people and the descendants of the law in Kosovo and Metohija. the border with Basket and Paštrika was transferred to Merdare, Prepolac and Jarinje. The Western concession to Serbia is prepared only for the formation of the "community of Serbian municipalities", in order to accentuate it on the "result and success of the negotiations", which "protects the Serbian people".

The secession of the false state of Kosovo will result in the continuation of the exodus of a large part of the Serbian people from all over Kosovo and Metohija. Today, the Serbian people in Kosovo and Metohija have the hope and the confidence that they will not be abandoned by the power of his state of Serbia.

In addition to the territory of Kosovo and Metohija, the NATO Pact is also of interest to many strategic sites, including Kopaonik. and for the Telecommunications Center, on Jadovik Mountain, near Sjenica and Nova Varos. These are objects that the NATO Pact besieged during the aggression against the FR of Yugoslavia in 1999.

The Kosovo Security Force Ministry has signed protocols of agreement with Great Britain, Lithuania, the Netherlands, Albania and Montenegro. and bilateral agreements with Slovenia, Croatia, Germany and a cooperation plan with Macedonia. And in this work, the British turned out to be the great wreckers of the Serbian state and the enemies of the Serbian people, as well as the uncoordinated authorities of some neighboring states that created historic Serbia and preserved their state and state. Brought to freedom. False statements The Kosovo Serbian government had full information, but unfortunately, it never sent any protest or disagreement in an appropriate and official manner, nor insisted on the subject. The education of future officers and the training of future NCOs and soldiers were not disputed symbolically by suggesting the Serbs not to surrender to the Kosovo Security Force. This could have been done through legal action through the Serbian political parties in Kosovo and Metohija. Lately it has been more openly spoken and put in the context of legal liability for inclusion in illegal armed formations in R. Serbia

In the past, even Serbian party militants were present at ceremonies where Taci has pledged to swear allegiance to the false state of Kosovo. Milosevic was guilty of Tadić, Tadic and Kostunica are guilty of Dacic and Vucic, and as s he could not go beyond the question of humiliation. Reality must be "recognized", and above all, they all said that they would never recognize the independence of the false state of Kosovo and that is the reality.

They are now inventing another reality dictated by the United States, Britain, and Germany. For the people, it is not a reality that the legalization of the occupation. Due to the massive and massive resistance of the people to the surrender and surrender of Kosovo and Metohija, this "permanent agreement" will attempt to be presented in the media in a neutral manner.

Serbia may find itself in the situation after the signing of the lines to the southern province find the armed forces of Kosovo in the structure of NATO. This is a surprise for non-politicians and their paid analysts, who repeat their mantras from the West.

In the NATO Pact, they know that without the completion of the false state's independence, Kosovo will not be able to legitimately promote Kosovo's Armed Forces without repeating the Kumanovo Agreement, UNSCR 1244, and if the Serbs in the Kosovo Parliament do not raise their hands to form a future army. However, it is clear to everyone that the NATO Pact is bombarding and unilaterally occupying nations and states and that it is not violating other provisions of international and national law to achieve its goals. interests.

At the same time, the US administration would include a false state of Kosovo. , after the "binding agreement", covers most of the Western Balkans region, which would put additional pressure on Serbia to join the Alliance. With parallel political, economic and energy processes, they intend to completely expel Russia's presence in the Balkans and resolve false "Russian threats". The problem is that the Belgrade government has gradually been under pressure for nearly 20 years, slavishly fulfilling the tasks of the United States, Britain and Germany, through European integrations. What is given to the Albanians in the false state of Kosovo is in any case prevented by the Serbs in Republika Srpska.

The presence of NATO in Kosovo, mainly through KFOR and in cooperation with Pristina and the EU, contributes to the protection and security of the whole region, said the leaders of the Atlantic Alliance in a statement. that "within the existing mandate, it will support the development of security organizations in Kosovo". NATO leaders stressed that the development of the security forces in Kosovo was taking place through the NATO Advisory and Liaison Team and enhanced interaction with Kosovo is progressing well in terms of dialogue and practical cooperation ". "We welcome Kosovo's aspirations to improve its capacity to guarantee the protection and security of all citizens and to contribute to the security of the Western Balkans." [1]

NATO Deputy Secretary General Rose Gotemeler told the Kosovo Army that this process should be conducted in accordance with the Kosovo Constitution.

"It is important for Kosovo to continue the process of reform, which involves the formation of professional security forces, and we will continue to work with Kosovo officials and support KFOR's mission in Kosovo. It is important to maintain security in the region and to help form a professional Kosovo army, "said Mr Gotemeler before the NATO summit in Brussels. Mr Gotemeler stated that NATO strongly encouraged further dialogue between Belgrade and Pristina under the auspices of the EU. "We are aware of Kosovo's aspirations for EU and NATO membership, but we must do a lot to achieve this, and it is very important that Pristina continue its dialogue with Belgrade and succeed. and provides a solution, "said Mr. Gotemeler. Gotemeler declares that KFOR will not withdraw from Kosovo and that at the next NATO summit, the KFOR mission will be continued. [2]

"NATO's position on Kosovo and crime is clear and does not change," said Robert Pushel. , a senior NATO official in charge of the Western Balkans and Russia, in an interview for Blic, who attended the NATO summit in Brussels at the end of the week. He said that it is completely wrong to compare events in Kosovo and Crimea. "There are no other similarities, these are completely different situations.The question of Kosovo has been on the international agenda for years because we all know why, NATO reacted and it is important to remember that many international organizations have reacted to the events, that resolutions have been adopted and that the judgments of the International Tribunal have been adopted.The point is absolutely no similarity with Crimea, because in 2014 , this part of Ukraine, which is still for us, because we do not recognize the annex, so in 2014 there was no sign that Crimea was in order Of the day, there were no complaints about the treatment for any ethnic group in Crimea Frankly, and it is the saddest of all, it is that there was the In Crimea, the fact is the inexact comparison between Crimea and Kosovo. "[1965] 9030] The opinions expressed by NATO officials clearly speak of their intentions in the future. "All negotiations and discussions are according to the humiliation of the Serbian people, which must not be accepted at all costs." In analyzing the NATO statement, it is clear that nothing ends with Serbia to conclude a legally binding agreement with Pristina. In fact, the game only starts for us. After that, official Belgrade will have to cooperate on the NATO plans in Bosnia and Herzegovina, but also on the question of its own membership in the Alliance. Dusan Prorokovic points out that Albanians know that the false state of Kosovo and its armed forces, EU accession and the NATO Pact are impossible. without the consent of the Serbian authorities. So they listen to their mentors, especially the United States, to become a new member of the NATO Pact after the ERY after the binding agreement. Macedonia By failed strategic decisions, the authorities of Serbia and the so-called political elites can lead NATO to Kopaonik, Merdare, Prepolac and Jarinje as guarantors of the security and the independence of the false state of Kosovo. What the NATO Pact can do and what it has done in Kosovo and Metohija should not be accepted at all costs, except for an objective division and compromise


[1] http: / /rs.n1info.com/a403247/Vesti/NATO -Support-development-security-forces-on-Kosovo.html
[2] http://www.rts.rs/page/stories/ci/story/1/politika/3195983/gotemeler-nato-podrzava-formiranje-vojske-kosova.html
[3] https://www.blic.rs/vesti/svet/nato-zvanicnik-za-blic-krim-i-kosovo-nisu-isto-mi-u-srbiji-imamo-samo-samo-dobre/jycyndp
[4] https://www.blic.rs/vesti/politika/lazanski-kosovske-bezbednosne-snage-su-vec-kosovska-vojska-samo-se-tako-ne-zovu/lvsmy1x

Major-General retired prof. Dr. Mitar Kovač / Analitical Forum