Fire stop spreading to fire, firefighters on duty | Region


Tanjug |

July 28, 2018 21:37 |

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A forest fire broke out in Zupa County, near the border between Klobuk and Bosnia and Herzegovina and Montenegro, and firefighters will be on duty during the night

Š The mysterious fire that erupted today in the Vlaska Župa region, near the border between Klobuk, Bosnia and Herzegovina and Montenegro, is located and the firefighters will be on duty during the day. night fire, according to Fena

The commander of the Trebinje fire brigade, Tripo Cuk, said the rapid intervention of firefighters and other firefighting units has helped to locate fire and prevent the spread to Arandjelovo, Donji and Gornji Klobuci, Zupi and Grancarjevo defenders. that we are putting the fire under control, but in service it will be all night, "said Cuk, declaring that the wind is getting stronger on this ground.

It is said that the Asci fire managed to defend the houses against the fireworks and to prevent the spread of fire on the Trebinje-Niksic road

The media of Republika Srpska reported that this fire caused most of the time a crush of lightning [19659007] window.fbAsyncInit = function () {
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