France shocked with a video of a woman attacking a woman


  The photo with the inscription #Me also and #Balancetonporc on the protest tent in October 2017 in Paris

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French in action #MeToo

After being attacked by a man in Paris Street then he hit his face when he told him to stop, a student from France decided to reveal the violence that he had experienced.

Mari Lager shared a video that saw a man in front of a café in the northeastern part of the city.

The video went viral, and this event coincided with the government's attempts to impose financial penalties for disruption on the street.

"The first sentences should be imposed this fall," says Marlin Shadow Minister of Equality

Prisoners will have to pay between 90 and 750 euros, provided by a package of measures approved by French MPs in May that parliamentarians will have to vote this week.

The initiative echoed among women in France as a movement #MeToo and its French equivalent #BallanceTonPorc (reveals who was the pig) grew rapidly

" I Can not Shut Up and We Can not Keep Silence"

Lager, 22, explains what happened in an interview on French radio

. She returns from work last Tuesday when the man begins to disturb, humiliate and send messages with a sexual connotation. 005]

"This was not the first time that day, not that week or this month I was ashamed and told to "moan" I did not think she was hearing her, but she did, said

At that moment, the man was angry and threw an ashtray that was missing a few inches

After exchanging insults, she went to hit her.

was not happy until he was alone for me "

A community of 2,000 people with 151 cases of sexual assault

" I knew he would do it I was able to defend myself, but it did not matter, I did not want to be humiliated and I certainly did not want to give up, "she said.

He was scratching hard and still crying.

While the men who were sitting in a cafe criticized a man, she went home, but quickly decided to return to the cafe, take statements from eyewitnesses and go to the police.

Everybody in the cafe would answer her normally, she said, and the owner gave her a video to help the police catch the attacker. The video has now been viewed more than 900,000 times.

Lager said that catching with the attacker was difficult, but all the women were in such a situation and it was time to stop him.

"I can not shut up and we can not shut up", she wrote in her order Fejsbuk

The Minister of Equality told the Paris daily newspaper that she was unhappy with the attack and that the goal was to prohibit harassment. She said that many women complained of street raids during France's World Championship win and invited witnesses to report all cases of sexual assault.

Paris prosecutors have opened an investigation into sexual harassment and violence .fbAsyncInit = function () {
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