GOOD NEWS FOR PIVOPIES: Moderate consumption of barley juice prolongs life


Beer is probably an alcoholic drink with the longest "internal" in human history. Scientific studies show the positive impact of a beer on blood flow, blood circulation, blood pressure and blood cholesterol

One of the most interesting research areas on the Influence of beer on the body is the relationship between moderate consumption and longevity. In 2013, PLOS Genetics released a study that was the first to examine the impact of a popular longevity drink.

By studying the influence of beer on genes, scientists found interesting conclusions.
A yeast study showed that brewing consumes a telomeric prolongation. Telomeres are an integral part of the chromosomes of genes that, if reduced significantly, lead to cell death.

Previous research on the extension and shortening of telomeres associated with aging and cancer development, which make the results of this study of importance. The extension of the telomeric ends occurred when the amount of ethyl alcohol present in a beer was injected (5 to 7%).

The latest research, conducted at the University of California, provided an additional incentive for moderate beer consumption, writes Full Caper.

The study, conducted for 14 years, studied the lifestyle impact on 1,700 people over the age of 90 during their lifetime. The researchers found that people who drank two glasses of beer (2 times per deciliter) or wine (2 times 1.5 deciliter) on a daily basis had a risk of premature death of 18% lower.

Interestingly, respondents who practiced between 15 and 45 minutes each day reduced this risk to "only" 11 percent. Although the results of the study demonstrate that longevity contributes more to moderate alcohol consumption, it is certainly advisable to practice regular physical activity in older and older people because it is a healthy habit that has a positive effect on active and productive life.

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