He also receives roses from him! Marija Ana with her beautiful colleague, and not Filip! (PHOTO) | telegraph


Marija Ana Smiljanić / Photo: Marko Jovanović

Marija Ana Smiljanić, a former resident participant, currently enjoys the Montenegrin coast and was sold to a popular Budva club by a former collaborator, Marko Miljković

Miljkovic published a photo on his Instagram profile in which he poses with Mary Ano, who holds a red rose in his hand, which was given to him by Marko

Marko and Marija Ana enjoy a popular club in Budva, Printskrin: Instagram / marko.miljkovic

As Mary Ana and Marko have already appeared together, there is no doubt that these resurrected participants have come together. ! function (f, b, e, h, n, t, s)
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