He was a slave to another, but he was in house arrest that he would not be allowed to go to The Hague! A well-kept Yugoslav secret discovered!


Slobodan Milosevic detained him several months after the bombing of Milan Milutinovic in 1999 in a sort of house arrest. Apparently, the President of the Republic was sanctioned by "intensified surveillance measures", as called by the Service, because of his willingness to cooperate with the Hague Tribunal.

Milan Milutinovic had powers as British Queen. He could not assemble the government, nor dissolve the parliament … As the first Austrian president said, only his wrist was the one he could stab, explained the judges of the constitutional law professor to the Belgrade law school Ratko Markovic

There are serious indications that Milan Milutinovic is in a sort of house arrest and isolation, that he is under the constant control of the ruling family and that even his life is in danger, 1999. Žarko Jokanović of ND

Milan Milutinovic has remembered in Serbian He remembered the public – as a goldfish in the aquarium of the office of Sloba with caricature from Koraka.

The friendship with Slobodan Milosevic followed him from his studies until the end of his political career, which ended with the court in The Hague. In the seventies, as Minister of Education and Science, he participated in the resignation of a group of eight eminent professors of the Faculty of Philosophy of Belgrade after the arrival in power of Milošević, Ambassador to the Yugoslav Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Already in September 1989, he was appointed ambassador of the SFRY in Athens in August 1995 as head of the FRY's diplomacy. As such, Milutinovic is a member of the Milosevic delegation in Dayton, where a peace agreement is signed

. In December 1997, as a candidate of the SPS, the Yugoslav Left and the New Democracy, he was elected President of Serbia. In the same function, by the strange group of circumstances and the game of thrills, he remained until 2002 A throne directly to The Hague. Although, according to contemporary testimony and influential media writing, he has tried to avoid this by all means.

It is precisely because of this motive that he fell into the cold war with the most influential person in Serbia. At that time, instead of President Milutinovic, some Serb military generals were called "the supreme commander". His other student days. By Slobodan Milosevic

Milutinovic led (or rather, suffered) a war with Milosevic, who literally held him in a sort of house arrest, at a time when Serbia was leading (or rather suffering) the strongest military alliance. Precisely this wording, house arrest, Milutinovic himself mentioned in his conversation with his trusted friends, as well as some partners in the coalition. In the full action, which was hidden under the veil of twenty years, there were only a few people in the state – Milosevic and Mira Markovic, Rade Markovic, Vlajko Stojiljkovic, Milutinovic himself , and his wife, as well as Nenad Batocanin, just in charge of implementing a reinforced supervision measure with selective movement restrictions. All this, of course, with an oral consultation with Rade Markovic

It all started during the bombing in 1999, when Milutinovic left the command post just five days before the end of the bombing. ;aggression. Apparently, Milosevic knew that Milutinovic, without his knowledge, had organized a cooperation with the Hague Tribunal. And through his godfather, if not diplomats in The Hague. Everything happens when the charges in The Hague are high, which the Hague prosecutor will soon raise. The indictment for war crimes in Kosovo against Milutinovic, Milosevic, Nikola Sainovic, Dragoljub Ojdanic and Vlajko Stojiljkovic was pronounced on 24 May 1999, but it became public only on the same day. September 2000, just before the decisive elections in Serbia. It is possible that the problem between the two presidents is due to the fact that Milutinovic did not reach an agreement with the Americans on Kosovo.

Milutinovic's cooperation with foreigners and the West is mentioned in the book of Marty Ahtisaari, declaring Ahtisaari, Shreder, Shirak and Talbot instead of Milosevic, they wanted Milutinovic to negotiate the cessation of the war. bombing.

It was obviously enough to take Milosevic Milutinovic to the tooth. At least for a start. The story of Milutinovic's house arrest briefly aggravated the Serbian media and the public scene, and then he was also sweaty and cluttered. In September 1999, the leader of the New Democracy New Democracy group, Zarko Jokanovic, publicly called for the formation of an independent commission to determine whether President Milutinovic was able to perform the function prescribed by the Constitution.

– Serbian President Milan Milutinovic in a kind of house arrest and isolation, that he is under the constant control of the ruling family and that his life is in danger ", said Jokanovic at a press conference on that occasion.Later sources close to the Serbian presidency told the Beta agency that Milutinovic "regularly performed his duties" and that those who wished " can see it come and go every day. "SPS spokesperson Ivica Dacic publicly denounced the whole story.

Shortly after, the first municipal prosecutor's office in Belgrade proposed to launch an investigation against Jokanovic to determine he had committed a criminal offense in spreading false information about the Serbian President.On the charge of verbal misdemeanor, New Democracy warned that it was a crime. very dangerous precedent in which the leaders Political parties are judged for political statements, instead of forming a parliamentary commission, as proposed by the ND. However, this case never had a judicial epilogue

The media briefly shook up until the reporters of the "Voice of the public" did not make a real little paparazzi in the Park Pioneers, waiting for them to let Milutinovic leave his job. and escort security gets into the official car. It was a proof of the crown that Milutinovic is fine, that the president is a free man, and only a new reason to relaunch the controversy over Milutinovic's fictitious political status.

The difference between the two Milosevic and Milutinovic is that He was the first to lead the largest party, and Milutinovic did not have that political backing.

Therefore, he has never been a central political figure, Ratko Markovic believes

– Glas's journalists claim that the president is a quick step. "Lowered the stairs The published photo does not see, however, the characteristic, broad smile of Milutinović, so it is difficult to conclude how the current mood is the President of Serbia." Voice "service team "was obviously far enough away from the presidential building, so there was no chance for the president's characteristic speech to reporters (when he was in a good mood):" What bothers you is the game of a bear. "Regardless of the lack of additional information on the mood of the Serbian president, the photo on the cover of" Glas "at least has been denied the current history of Charshi , and then the statement of Žarko Jokanović – then wrote Nenad Lj. Stefanovic in a weekly newspaper added:

– According to the Socialists, Milutinovic's life is threatened only by hypertension and excessive weight for the moment, which makes it even more diffi cile for his favorite prom dresses that persist. The fact that Jokanovic told the story of a "captured president" in a political salon or marriage, and immediately transferred into an official statement, without any evidence, is part of the opposition of the Serbian opposition "it is important to dance".

Such measures rarely even today, after 20 full years, want to believe, given the political reputation and status of Milutinovic, this has also been influenced by the influential European media. First of all, of course, they are British

Thus, the famous British newspaper "Guardian" wrote in September 1999 that rumors circulated that the nearest circle of Milosevic's associates was worried about their future, because of the ICTY and because they are on the European blacklist

– the European Union has banned the entry of some 300 Yugoslav officials in the member states. Milutinovic is on this list. Ironically, he led the presidential campaign under the slogan "Serbia and the World" and then "Guardian", adding that Milutinovic did not go out for a few weeks:

– The Belgrade newspaper reported that he was at the hospital for high pressure [19659003InthesamewayastheBritisharesubmittingadeclarationofnebojsaCovicalorsleaderoftheDemocraticAlternatiVe:"TheclaimsofMilutinovicrequiredtobeverifiedhowevertheindicationsthatitistruethatmanypersonsofthesameareinimpleinstitutions"

Interestingly, three years later, in February 2002, Bi Bi Si announced that there were information for Milutinovic to testify against his former boss, but in this case it would "cost a lot of money."

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Source: Ekspres.net

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