Here is how many BELGRADE sites were discovered by KOMARCI that transmit WESTERN NIL GROWTH!



07/10/2018. 22:20



GREEN VENICE TO THE EPILOGUE Serbian HANIBAL LEKTOR biting the ear of a scientist and released to himself defend freedom! [19659009LafièvreduNiloccidentalapénétréprofondémentdansBelgradeQuatrepersonnesontétéinfectéesetdesmoustiquesporteursd'unvirusviergeontétédétectéssur21sitesdanshuitmunicipalités:PalilulaNewBelgradeCukaricaZemunVozdovacSurcinlavieillevilleetSavskiVenac

Uzas! He sat in a cafe, then saw HOROR, for which they had to respond to SPASIOCI!

Prof. Dr. Zarko Rankovic, the famous Serbian infectious agent, says that the majority of patients will be expected next month

– The virus is transmitted to humans by mosquitoes and the first symptoms appear between the third and the fourteenth day after the bite . Up to 90% of infected people have no symptoms, while in 10 to 20% of cases, West Nile fever resembles an influenza. The symptoms are weakness, muscle aches, back pain, fatigue and even mild and transient rashes may appear. Enlarged lymph nodes can also appear – says prof. Dr. Rankovic

HERE NEVER DANGEROUS IS NOT NORMAL! He says that in people under 65 in 0.2 percent of cases, and in older people with two percent, a more serious form of illness can occur – headache, headache, stiff neck , disruption of consciousness.

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– Mortality is considered highest among people over 75 years old. Nobody can predict if the outbreak of West Nile fever will be exactly like in 2013, when we had 300 people and 33 deaths, but protection is mandatory – our collocutor says

Action in three municipalities [19659010] The teams of the Institute for Biocides and Medical Ecology will perform today from 18.30 in the municipalities of Novi Beograd, Zemun and Mladenovac controlling the adult forms of mosquitoes, if the weather conditions are adequate. Competent mothers of beekeepers must take the necessary steps to protect bees during treatment.

LANGUAGE! The Swiss came to Kragujevac, so UBIO SKOKOM from the eighth floor!

Four people are infected in the capital until yesterday

– In the Institute of Public Health "Dr. Milan Jovanovic Batut" it says "Alo!" In mosquitoes of the species Culex pipiens or mosquitoes, the presence of the virus was demonstrated and they were sampled in eight municipalities. The main reservoir of the virus is the bird, it is transmitted to humans by mosquitoes, and people can not spread it further – they say in "Batutu"

UŽAS! He sat in a cafe and then saw HOROR, for which they had to answer SPASIOCI!

At the Institute for Biocides and Medical Ecology, we received confirmation of where infected mosquitoes were detected. 19659012] – discomfort in the muscles and back

– fatigue

– mild ospa

– enlarged lymph nodes

According to the same information, repeated analysis of new mosquito samples from these sites showed that the virus is no longer present for the moment

– The daily institution, depending on climatic conditions, removes mosquitoes on the basis of previously conducted surveillance. in mosquitoes. Since March, Zavod teams have been trying to fight mosquito larvae on Belgrade's territory every day, as well as the suppression of larvae in septic tanks and other water reservoirs that offer ideal conditions for the development of larvae.

SKANDAL IN THE HAGUE Mladic, Judge Meron does something shocking that shocks the human spirit

  Mashing mosquitoes

Questioning, Photo: Beoinfo

They recommend to Belgrade's wear long pants and socks when they are in the countryside, especially if they are near the river, canal, bar, in the forest …

– Avoid staying in nature at dusk and dawn , and you must use repellents or agents that bite the bite of the insect. In addition, it is necessary to place grilles on the windows and the doors of the rooms in which they are constantly housed. In addition, citizens should cover pools, empty water pots, buckets, barrels, discarded tires and other containers. The water containers must cover in order to prevent the laying of mosquito eggs on the surface of the water.

LUDO SREOM OSTALA LIVA Stravična serija PRIJATELJIH VOJVODINA, DVA PUTA prevarila SMRT u deset minuta!

in Belgrade, where mosquitoes infected with the West Nile fever virus were discovered:

1. Zemun – Good School
2. Zemun – Zemunsko groblje
3. Palilula – Padinska skela
4. Palilula – Dunavac
5. Palilula – Jabučki laughs
6. Palilula – Gr. Andrijanovića 2
7. Palilula – Karaburma 2
8. Palilula – Popova bara
9. Palilula – Viline vode
10. Palilula – Braće Maric
11. Surcin – Surcin NIS
12. Novi Beograd – KCS Usce
13. Novi Beograd – Staro bezansko groblje
14. Novi Beograd – Ledine
15. Novi Beograd – Staro sajmište
16. Voždovac – Banjička Forest
17. Voždovac – Selo Rakovica
18. Čukarica – Umka uz rijeku
19. Cukarica – Cerak
20. Savski venac – Savamala 3

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