Here's where the coat Luna got from Slobo to Zadar! (PHOTO) | telegraph


Luna and Slobo, Printskrin: Youtube / Official Cooperative

Since the coffin is not necessary, Sloba then decided to give the coffin to the late Luni Đogani, who was delighted with a sumptuous gift.

The grand finale of the Cuban relationship ended with Lepi Mić, who told Lun that Slobo would return the coffin because, in his words, he did not need it. they were really breaking. Luna then said that she would certainly bring him back this garment, but that did not happen.

Luna in the package that she received from Slobe, Printskrin: Pink TV

Namely, a fashion blogger discovered that the coat was kept because it belongs to him

The package is with me in the closet, where it is supposed to be. It's mine, I deserved it! Apart from this package, I remembered other memories of the letters that I had saved. He wrote for me on vacation: Love's Day, Eight March, Birthday … The letters are superimposed, stored and read from time to time – Luna says.

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