How much fruit is enough?


More fruits and vegetables, the main recommendation of nutrition experts, but how many fruits do we really eat? Stiv Dzobs, co-founder of the company "Epl", was known for his fruit-based diet, believing that he was cleaning his body of harmful toxins.

Actress Kucher, who accepted Jog's fruit diet, ended up in a hospital because of pancreatic problems. This suggests that it is really good to eat a lot of fruits.

"The main concern regarding excessive fruit consumption is natural sugar.Although fruits contain mostly a lot of sugar, research is constantly associated with the consumption of whole fruits with a reduced risk of developing obesity and other metabolic diseases, "said Dr. Robert Lustig, author of the book on nutrition.

mitigate the risk of increased intake of sugar, says "Tajm". As Dr. Lustig explained, it contains soluble and unbreakable fiber. Together, these two types of fibers form a kind of grid inside the duodenum in the small intestine. "Grid" prevents a significant portion of the fruit sugar to absorb earlier during mulching

"Like stopping tsunami waves, forming the underwater wall, this barrier limits the absorption of sugar for do not overload the liver ".

"Your honey signals to the brain that you are located when what you have eaten fills your third part of the small intestine – the ileum.Then the fibers help the food molecules to fill up. Ieon faster, which will make you feel faster than when you eat non-fiber foods, "said Dr. Lustig.

However, excessive fruit consumption, warns this expert, sides. (1968) [fonction] (f, b, e, v, n, t, s) {19659010] if (f.fbq)
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